Tickle time

By sarahbeth93 - 20/07/2011 04:07 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend to stop tickling me, since I absolutely hate being tickled. He got extremely pissed at me and left the room. It took me a full five minutes to realize that I'd called him by my ex's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 204
You deserved it 76 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Susieee_Q 9

Don't worry, that just means it'll probably be the last time you ever get tickled by your soon-to-be ex boyfriend.


idk how long you have been dating this guy but if it's more then a month you have a lot of making up to do. its not like you cheated but it does show you still think about your ex when you are with your current boyfriend. which sucks for both of you.

of course this means that when you are angry at your current boyfriend, it brings back the negative feelings from your past relationship. It's quite common to have that negative thought bring about a flashback of sorts which probably caused you to use the ex's name. Now, if you were all bubbly and happy with your new boyfriend and blurted the ex's name that would be a whole different story.

a_nutritionist 10

what is with people and linking a name said accidentally with the content? its just a slip of the tongue. talk about oversensitive...

raelynn00 4

I agree with 34 I called my ex who I had been with for over 7 months the wrong name once bc he grabbed my hip which my ex who also happens to b my best friend used to do all the time. I didn't realize I did it at first either. felt horrible but then he called me the name of the girl he was cheating on me with while having sex..I don't feel so bad anymore lmao

It doesn't necessarily have to mean she thinks about her ex while she's with him. If they were together for a few years, you have to consider how many times she would have said his name. It could just be like a hard habit she has to break. In her moment of panic from being tickled, force of habit came about and she said the name of her ex instead. It was a mistake. Oops.

You absolutely hate being tickled, huh? I thought everyone absolutely loved it.

Tickling is cute..... Guess you ****** up then and what 13 said

What you did hurts even if you didn't mean it, so you deserve it

I'm going to say anything said under the influence of stress or tickling cannot be held against the OP. I call everyone by my boyfriend's name when I'm stressed, except my boyfriend, who gets called 'you'.

I know it was an accident but still, I know if my bf called me his ex whole being tickled or not I'd be one mad mofo -__-

What I find odd is that in all of these types of FMLs the current *knows* the name of the ex. Why would the gf tell her bf of her past relationships in the first place?

cimh 9

It could be that they knew each other before they were together? It's not really always that you just meet for the first time and then you are a couple!

gofferurself 10

talking about past relationships is often a healthy thing for couple, it helps you know where the other person is coming from and with what baggage. Also, most boys are smart enough to realize when the name is their name or a different name, even if the other name isn't an ex's.

It's also been said that a boyfriend hates to hear about past relationships, especially when they're negative.

i dont blame you, i HATE being tickled, although that was a huge error in your part saying your ex's name