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By olive_costume - 05/12/2009 01:16 - Australia

Today, I went into my room and found a plastic snake on the floor. I yelled out to my sister, "Good one, Ellen!" I picked up the snake to take it to show her. The snake started moving in my hands and bit me. I had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 720
You deserved it 8 066

Same thing different taste

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I was camping and out late riding my bike when something got caught in my spokes and was going round and round. It was dark and I thought it was a stick so I reached down to pull it out and it hissed at me. Needless to say I dismounted faster than the speed of light thus proving Einstein wrong. Shove that in your pipe and smoke it!! E=mcgetthefuckoutofmybikesnake

Kingdutch 3

That'd scare the ---- out of me O.o FYL


crzyry 6

nope he isnt very smart at all. plus you thought she did it so you showed it to her??? why??

i think it makes alot of sense. whenever my sis or i did something sneaky like that (a fake snake) we would take it to the other person with a "you can do better than that" kind of attitude. i think this fml is pretty funny but sucks for the OP. and its reasonable that they wouldnt think the snake was real; they were indoors!

OP's very lucky. Here in Australia, we have something like nine of the world's ten most venomous snakes.

iiNsTinK 0

epic fail. i wanna see this on video. it would be very very funny to watch.

Kingdutch 3

That'd scare the ---- out of me O.o FYL

its_me_haha 0

bahahah somethin like that happen to me.. only i knew it was not rubber and it was in my living room...but i did not pick it up.... i aint scared of snakes but i dont just go pickin them up...

Kylias 6

Except that they found a snake in their house. :|

Dr_Pepper_fml 3, the FMLs have sucked lately....

echo89 0

yea they have, but that because people think that every little thing in their life is an FML moment when really it's them being babies...

Hmmm? Clearly this FML bites, it doesn't suck. *Dot dot dot, death by ellipsis, dot dot dot* Duh!

... You had to go to the hospital. For that. Cause you didn't see if it was real? YDI, and go to MLIA.

Well, if I got bit by a snake, I'd go to the hospital. NSW is full of deady snakes, all of Australia is. We got deadly spiders, fish, jellies and more too. F OP's life.

So what, you handled it like you thought it was a ****? Did you put it in your mouth? ****.

waterynuggets 0

Freud would have a field day with you, Cobramorph. You need to get laid.

Asstazztic 8

hahaha fricken COBRAMORPH that's hilarious :P lol

cerebellum_fml 0
Asstazztic 8

sorry cerebellum but that wasn't good at all :/

I was camping and out late riding my bike when something got caught in my spokes and was going round and round. It was dark and I thought it was a stick so I reached down to pull it out and it hissed at me. Needless to say I dismounted faster than the speed of light thus proving Einstein wrong. Shove that in your pipe and smoke it!! E=mcgetthefuckoutofmybikesnake