Time for a freakout

By Meg - 15/07/2011 22:24 - United States

Today, I was on the elevator at work. As it descended, a roach started scurrying about around my feet. I freaked out and started screaming, hitting the panic button without thinking. Now I'm facing a hefty fine for using the panic button when there wasn't a "real" emergency. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 383
You deserved it 43 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A roach! OMG. ok I got this, I'll press the panic button instead of stepping on it!


borkchop1992 15

and who said people arent idiots

sunlovinmama 1

you should know you have to look at one in the mirror everyday

Glitterhinoceros 14
Cynical_in_SK 6

Wow...you people aren't very sympathetic. I admit hitting the panic button might have been a bit of an overreaction. That having been said...roaches are very large, disgusting and nasty looking bugs. I bet you all would have freaked out too...especially if you weren't expecting it!

Iknoweverything 29

actually, I would have never gotten on the elevator in the first place. It's not like they are hard to see in an enclosed space with nowhere to hide.

ADub55 0

I would have stepped on it. Problem solved.

ReynshineCutting 10

If it's in one of the corners on the side where the door is you wouldn't see it until you were in the elevator...

Yeah, roaches is the nickname for crocodile.

RainbowHeadache 2

Actually, no. I had a big spider crawl up my foot & not a single **** was given that day. Cockroaches have to go places too, man. Maybe he had an important business meeting or was going home to get him some of his wife's fine cockroach pussy.

fthku 13

Sympathetic to what, exactly? Unless OP has a phobia, which is doubtful as she would almost definitely mention that in the FML, she overreacted. If she wants to flail around in the elevator and scream that's her business, but hit the panic button?

a_nutritionist 10

im not very sympathetic of someone who highlights the word "real" in "real emergency" as though they legitimately believe it was a real emergency. oh and who acts like a child when they see a cockroach?

#127 "9-1-1 What's your emergency?" "There's a roach in my elevator!" "A ROACH!?!! We're sending the SWAT team."

DrTexas 0

Dr. Texas says: "You just got owned by a roach!"

Lol I think the roach was more in need of a panic button.

Unless it was a ******* Radroach, then that ain't a ******* emergency.

Oh Fallout.. those beasts sure got annoying.

hatepineapple 14

Was it an albino roach? Those are fantastic.

roaches are disgusting but that was a huge over reaction.