Timing is crucial in comedy

By Anonymous - 16/10/2010 06:44 - United States

Today, I was on an airplane that was experiencing some turbulence. Feeling anxious, I reached over and grabbed my husband's hand for comfort. He then said, "Why are you scared of dying? You're not even pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 082
You deserved it 4 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow. That was so random, it made absolutely no sense.

Tell him "That's not what your dad said last night"

xVictoriaDreamz 0

Wow. (That's all I got to say.)

I can see why you fell for such a smooth talker.

hahah. he had to be joking!!!! haha. sorry I found that one funny. yeah just hit him where it hurts... no sex!!!

it looks like the right time for :Divorce huuny

Humour is a strong method of keeping one's mind off things. That's why people go to stand up comedian acts so they can relax and take their mind of things. He was joking with you, but a whinny complaining grown woman who can't take a joke wouldn't understand; aka you.

clarky_95 0

that's pretty mean. he must be ugly to. but atleast he had the guts to say something when most guys can't