Timing is everything

By -bird-poop- - 10/10/2009 12:52 - Germany

Today, I finally plucked up the courage to propose to my girlfriend of 7 months. I took her out to the park where we had our first kiss, I got down on one knee, and before I could say, "Will you marry me?" a bird shat on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 023
You deserved it 7 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was a sign! Dont get married too early.

7 months? Ive had milk in my fridge longer than that. To early bro. Wait atleast a year more


I give up. right after my comment too. smh.

You will always have a funny story to tell at family gatherings, and at your wedding reception... if she accepted.

I feel bad for you if this is true. If it isn't, you got this from one of MAD TV's sequences.

Dixie_Normous 0

"shat" is not a word. Whoever came up with it and anyone who uses it is ******* retarded.

boatkicker 4

Shat is the past tense of shit. http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/shat?view=uk

It is the proper past tense form of "shit", "shitted" as you may be thinking isn't even a word, now who's the "******* retard"? "shat (shāt) v. Vulgar Slang A past tense and a past participle of shit." http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/shat

ChronicFAIL 0

You're a ******* idiot. Slowly try to pull your head out of your ass. I know it's in real deep.

First of all, what was her answer? Second, are you sure 7 months isn't too early...? Third, either it was a sign not to do it, or a good luck sign like many people believe in.

And if you didn't ask her, how the **** did you explain being down on one knee, presumably with a ring in hand?

People freak out and think it's to early for someone to get engaged after 7 months. YET the freak out when someone still isn't engaged after 6 years... Seriously, is there an age scale that tells you when it's the right time to marry??? I don't think so. So shut the **** up.

Well, at least your proposal wasn't boring and typical and wasn't creative by your fault. According to FML, those always fail. The bird did you favor by making it memorable without you having to do anything that apparently is seriously stupid, immature, embarassing, etc blahblah...