By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Surrey

Today, I got pulled into a conversation about my 62 year-old boss's new breast implants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 483
You deserved it 2 404


At the onset of the conversation next time, simply reply, "Giving your house a new paint job doesnt stop people from noticing its falling apart, next youll have to replace the carpet, and to be honest, I dont want to hear about that." Then you quit, transfer, or get a pair of earplugs.

43- do you check out blokes pecs often? ... Man cans are pretty sick if you ask me

Technically that could count as sexual harassment. So next time your boss tries to talk to you about her new body parts tell her it makes you uncomfortable and leave.

zebralover23 14

sometimes i think old people say shit they they know is inappropriate because they can get away with it. i think they like ******* with youngins

I've been there. My boss is in her 60's as well and got hers done. Just wish she'd STFU about them.

It's like putting a new chandelier in a haunted house