By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Surrey

Today, I got pulled into a conversation about my 62 year-old boss's new breast implants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 483
You deserved it 2 404


lucyinthesky420 10

Tit may be breast if you didn't say anything.

lrgenesis 19

I think OP should knocker on her door and ask to see because that mammary would make for a great story for OP's grandkids

desireev 17

HOORAY FOR BOOBIES!!! :D C'mon! We all know we love 'em! ;D

^ I don't mind celebrating boobs every few weeks on fml, it seems to be about that often when we all together and re-agree that boobs rock. ;)

desireev 17

Yes, Draco! You are correct! Boobies are amazing! They're so lovable and snuggly! One would be crazy not to love them! :)

MonsterCommenter 4

It could had been worse...just think if she was talking about something that is a little further down. O.o

desireev 17

Uuumm... ****** implants? Lol Nope.. Still doesn't make sense to me!

MerrikBarbarian 9

Guessing that is a ref to "my new pink button"?

Actually, vaginoplasty isn't all that uncommon among older women. ?The more you know~?

desireev 17

I don't know about any of the other women out there, but I know that I don't want a big ******.. Or anything remotely close to that.. Jusssayin...

I guess it's never too late to improve upon your assets.

Everyone wants to know! Were they nice? !

Imagine raisins turning back into grapes!

SlaveToRetail 10

Boobs = awesome. Your boss's boobs = Possibly awesome. Talking about it at work = Definitely not so awesome... Unless you work in a strip club. Or something.