By Mark - 09/09/2011 04:51 - United States

Today, a car backed into mine. I thought that was pretty bad, until another car backed into me right after I'd finished taking the first guy's info. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 418
You deserved it 2 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tookie22 5

Screw it. 2 insurance claims. Fix that bad boy up. Time at the shop will suck but maybe it can be a good thing and go ahead ad upgrade.


I'd get the hell home before your car spontaneously combusts or something. You've had enough bad luck with cars in one day.

ikickgingers 15

What I learned from this; you have taken it in the rear twice today. Very informative. Thank you.

Batman846 0

I don't think you should park there again.

scottyspot 11

Just think of all the insurance you're going to get!

fatalwish 6

And thats why i drive a solid steel 71 chevy jacked up just enough so if someone hits me they know and feel it for weeks

Where were you parked? The middle of the road?!