By Mark - 09/09/2011 04:51 - United States

Today, a car backed into mine. I thought that was pretty bad, until another car backed into me right after I'd finished taking the first guy's info. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 424
You deserved it 2 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tookie22 5

Screw it. 2 insurance claims. Fix that bad boy up. Time at the shop will suck but maybe it can be a good thing and go ahead ad upgrade.


AngelLove251987 0
bigjoekickass 0

Lol sorry but I had to laugh. The fact that two dumbasses did that to you not only in the same day but one immediately after the other.

Uh. Give me a moment to think of a funny pun. *2 minutes later* At least you don't work for Bang Bro's, cause that'd be a Banged bus?

Haha, I know one of the editors of BangBus. He comes to my job all the time. Yep, he's a perv!

leadman1989 15

Can you help me get on it? Put in a good word? I have a nine inch drill bit you know.

perdix 29

If two cars back into you, you probably have committed some kind of felonious parking crime. You might have to go to jail where you'll get rear-ended repeatedly.