By a.white - 11/12/2013 11:58 - United States - Cheltenham

Today, a classmate's mother called my phone, threatening to have my dorm room raided for drugs. Why? She saw our text messages discussing where he would pick up the textbook I borrowed and thought it was the new "code name" for weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 381
You deserved it 2 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does that mean "teacher" is slang for drug dealer? It all makes sense now.

JoeGrant 12

From the context of it, it sounds like you're in college; so look on the bright side, the semesters almost over OP!


If there are no drugs involved, then she should stop sticking her nose into everything and assuming that classroom materials in a text message mean let's go do some drugs