By Anonymous - 24/11/2012 00:49 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a co-worker asked me if I have a Facebook account, and I said I do. I had to politely smile as he spent the next half hour insulting me for supposedly being glued to it 24/7, before claiming that it's all a CIA front to steal people's social security details. Why are nutjobs like this even alive? FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 338
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MindFreakazoid 10

Because, friend, without nutjobs, who do we have to make most FMLs about?

bigtaytay 13


NerdyPanther09 6

They're alive because it's not legal to hunt them. Yet.

hapy_pig098 13

I wonder why some people thumbed down this comment

Shadow_Phantom 26

Actually, it IS used to gather your personal information... so SSN isn't too far off. :/

Because we will need zombie bait for the zombies.

chrissy2 28

My uncle has to wear tin foil on his head so the "government doesn't listen to his thoughts". I feel your pain.

hapy_pig098 13

Thats because he has a problem not because he's being retarded

chrissy2 28

Did I say he was retarded? He has Paranoid Schizophrenia asshole.

hapy_pig098 13

Like I said he has a problem and it's NOT because he was being retarded like the guy OP mentioned

hapy_pig098 13

Honesty who cares? Oh no the government can see your embarrassing bday pics. Its a social network. you self publish everything on there. Personally I'm a lot more concerned with my parents stalking my fb than the government

Lol it's the government, they already have our social security details

rpy13 11

There are millions of people are FB that are not American, and we don't have SS#'s! Is the US gov't wants to investigate little old me from Canada, go crazy *rollingmyeyes*.

because its true, and you should probably listen to him... they are watching you all, and I'm laughing at you

Praisethelawd 0

Because everyone is gods creatures

The_F3rris 11

The CIA doesnt care about your SS#. They just want to keep tabs on people who use certain words and like certain things because they want to lock up the people who are a threat to the NWO.

smorkmo 6

Very well put. People need to stop being so absorbed by their little world and actually do some research. Look up what our flag actually means and why it shouldn't be flown in the U.S.. I wish they taught this stuff in school. You have to remember what Mark Twain said, "I never let my schooling interfere with my education."

hapy_pig098 13 question . What the hell is NWO