By Anonymous - 24/11/2012 00:49 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a co-worker asked me if I have a Facebook account, and I said I do. I had to politely smile as he spent the next half hour insulting me for supposedly being glued to it 24/7, before claiming that it's all a CIA front to steal people's social security details. Why are nutjobs like this even alive? FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 338
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MindFreakazoid 10

Because, friend, without nutjobs, who do we have to make most FMLs about?

bigtaytay 13


alishous 8

You do, of course, realize that majority of the common knowledge things you "know" are true were all once considered "crazy".

"I had to politely smile" - Like hell you did. If it was a customer or something, then maybe, but not a fellow co-worker. Stick up for yourself, and don't let idiots like him rant about stupid things. Sorry, but YDI for doing absolutely nothing to stop him.

mizteri 1

Truth that the FBI. CIA. And other agencies have free use over seeing what you are doing. Remember SOPA and ACTA? Yup. The govt is watching whatever you post on FB.

SOPA and ACTA? Why yes, I do remember them. They were both abandoned and never actually put into effect. Nice job there, real convincing evidence. Go put on a tin-foil hat.

winkydog4056 16

Someone please explain to wanky dog exactly how FB and identity theft are connected

Evilpirate 10
smorkmo 6

Because the CIA DOES OWN FACEBOOK. Look it up retards..

smorkmo 6

Think about it. People post their age, sex, sexual interests, profession, relationship status, current employment, employment history, goals, beliefs, likes, and wants... Why would they need to create a profile database on everybody if they can get everybody to do it by themselves???


Actually, the CIA admitted that Facebook is a NSA/CIA front to steal ur data...and so is google in which the DOD admitted they set up in 1998....but I don't know about the social security part tho...

Nice, so uh... link us all to the proof, yeah?

smorkmo 6

Why don't you look it up yourself instead of wasting your time here reading other peoples' sob stories. All this media BS is (such as reality tv and football) is a ploy to keep your feeble little mind busy cuz the last thing they want is a population of free thinkers because then you might start to connect the dots and question it.

chrissy2 28

Steal what information? My high school graduation photo's?

noisebox 1

Well he's right about F/B, I think it's the nut jobs who go in and live on it.

smorkmo 6

Wow, looks like my comment about them not wanting free thinkers got deleted... Guess I was right.