By I'm so sorry... - 01/03/2017 16:00

Today, a coworker left a chocolate cake on the "free food" table in the office. I had a slice. She's just called to ask if she left her grandmother's birthday cake at work. She made it from scratch. Now I'm baking a new cake in the office kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 681
You deserved it 1 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neuronerd 28

Had anyone else eaten a slice yet? While it was in the "free food" section, I'm always hesitant to take the first piece of something, unless the person who brought it is directly offering. If other people had eaten it first, it's not solely your fault, and you'd be under no obligation to replace it (though that is kind of you). Truly, putting it there in the first place was her fault, so you're still under no obligation.

I would assume the cake had no writing on it. Just imagine eating cake alone that says happy birthday Grandma!


You should not have to make a new cake from scratch, considering SHE left it on the "free food" table in the office. If she didn't want people taking it, she shouldn't have put it there.

Don't. It's very nice of you to bake another cake, but it was your coworker's fault for leaving it there.