By Completely Innocent - 05/03/2015 17:10 - United States

Today, a coworker told my manager that I and another girl were plotting to get her fired at the end of the month. She actually believed her. Now we're suspended without pay for two weeks for conspiracy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 579
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not 100% sure if that actually legal to do, if it's only a thought/belief! If I were OP I would talk to an HR or someone higher up and see what you can do about that..


gintwinsmoore 20

gotta stand up for yourself and look for help from someone with authority ? don't be put down by something that wasn't even true

sounds like that coworker of yours has been plotting this suspension with your manager for awhile..

it's two of u, u and a coworker, so you guys have more stands than the one crazy bitch against your manager. and this time get her fired for real.

Should've told your boss she ask you 2 to have a threesome and you 2 turned her down so she's mad fyl

Your manager is an idiot. She did this based on some gossip? Is there not a human resources you can complain to? Do something.