By donttouchmyhair - 19/03/2014 18:14 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, a crazy woman grabbed my hair and mentioned how lovely it was. She then asked when I would donate it. I told her I didn't want to, at which point she started yelling that she was going to get some scissors and cut it all off to teach me a lesson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 369
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

There are some crazy people in this world, OP. Be careful.

Whip your hair back and forth in that crazy lady's face.


Donating is amazing, but that lady is a wacko! It's your choice!

squarecircles 13

Coulda told her if she wanted your hair to use head & shoulders.

I would have slapped her if I didn't know her and she touched my hair.

As harmless (if useless) as it is in comparison, hair donation has developed a cult of zealous idiocy on the same scale as anti-vaccination.

Time to bring out my crazy-bitch-slapper 3000

Run as fast as your legs can carry you.

I have super long hair, I actually had a friend try to cut my hair while I was sleeping. Safe to day were no longer friends.