By donttouchmyhair - 19/03/2014 18:14 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, a crazy woman grabbed my hair and mentioned how lovely it was. She then asked when I would donate it. I told her I didn't want to, at which point she started yelling that she was going to get some scissors and cut it all off to teach me a lesson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 369
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

There are some crazy people in this world, OP. Be careful.

Whip your hair back and forth in that crazy lady's face.


Not to sound like I'm taking that lady's side, but if you ever do get tired of long hair then donating it to Locks of Love would be a great way to get rid of it. I grow mine out just for that reason. :)

Good grief now THIS I can relate to, my hair reaches my waist and I can't even count the number of times where some stranger has dug their fingers into my scalp or tugged on my plait ''to see if its real''. I absolutely hate it when people grab my hair without permission (even family members) a few weeks back I had my hair in a ponytail at work and a drunk regular actually yanked it to get my attention, pretty hard to, twisted my neck a bit. I'm also tired of people suggesting that I cut my hair and donate it, I like my hair long but when I do eventually cut it I will more than happily donate it. It's one of the reasons I keep it long, I'm sorry this happened to you OP, I'm really glad that no damage was done to your locks!

Mentally unstable nosy woman. If you want to grow it for the sake of growing it, it's none of her or anyone else's business.

Well, I'm sure it's worth at least a centime my dear

That wil be Romania for you... People really arent ALL that crazy Romanian haha

The only words I could think after reading this: wtf

I feel bad for you Op!:( but.... At least your hair is pretty... Sorry! But she did say that so just focus in the positive things people say. and not the dumb and crazy shit they do