By donttouchmyhair - 19/03/2014 18:14 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, a crazy woman grabbed my hair and mentioned how lovely it was. She then asked when I would donate it. I told her I didn't want to, at which point she started yelling that she was going to get some scissors and cut it all off to teach me a lesson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 369
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

There are some crazy people in this world, OP. Be careful.

Whip your hair back and forth in that crazy lady's face.


U should ******* hold her hair nd give one on her face nd send her back no..

KissYounger.C♥m place for Younger Women Seeking Older Men

CyberGothic 16

Yeah...and the unfortunate need replacement teeth, is she willing to donate to the cause? Didn't think so.

Restraining order and while it be embarrassing say you have lice ergo problem solved with this crazy braude

Yikes, op. As a fellow long hair lover, this is my worst nightmare.

superdom 12

This reminds me of "of mice and man" when lennie (dumb guy) grabs a chick's hair and wouldn't let go and broke her neck.. O.o

Never heard of donating hair or any of these crazy people touching and draping someone else's hair over them. Weird people in the world.

There are special charities that you can donate your hair to so they can make wigs out of it for chemo patients. With most, you have to donate at least 8 inches at a time, and your hair cannot be dyed or bleached. I do it every time I can get a ponytail of 8 inches and my boyfriend's aunt loves her new blond hair from me. :) She's doing chemo for her breast cancer and was devastated when she lost her long hair.