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By Anonymous - 26/05/2015 15:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got into a heated argument with my girlfriend. Not because of anything I did, but because she actually believes that pasteurization is when a pastor blesses a dairy product. "You know, like kosher." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 822
You deserved it 2 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"May thy milk be blessed for thy thirst." Amen.

Oh dear. Tell her to do some Google research. Also have a milk related joke: Why is milk the fastest food? Because it's pasteurised before you see it.


I hope you don't plan on having kids with this woman.

Don't let stupid reproduce. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

krazayman 18

nope #47 Krazy does the sticking in my case lol

Sounds like Jew could settle this with Google

I don't think that Israeli the best way to settle things.

PePziNL 20

Don't Jewish that your girlfriend was a little bit smarter?

the argument must be making her mein fuhreous

sonasonic 34

I never Jew there were people like her.

Or a nice biography of Louis Pasteur. Or both.

"May thy milk be blessed for thy thirst." Amen.

She sounds like my student teacher from this year -- she thought the ozone was a hole in the ground and couldn't figure out why it was a problem becuase they should just fill it

RedPillSucks 31

the ozone is the opposite of the gspot. rub it and you'll go instead of come. *ducks to avoid rotten tomatoes*

How did your teacher even get a teaching license?!

Student teachers don't have licenses yet.

True but they still have gone though all the schooling to get the license by the time they're student teaching.

I have lab instructors who don't even plan on being teachers. They've just taken all the required courses and "know enough" (even if we prove them wrong multiple times in the semester) to read us a lab manual and show us a video.

#58, student teachers are actually still students -- they have not yet graduated, so have not completed their schooling or studies.

Oh dear. Tell her to do some Google research. Also have a milk related joke: Why is milk the fastest food? Because it's pasteurised before you see it.

I do. But they're not very amoosing. ... I tried.

I don't mean to milk this thread, but your puns were udderly amazing. Cow did you come up them?

did you point out that pastor and pasteur are spelled differently? then Google louis pasteur and and drop it. she will feel dumber if you say nothing after that.

Haha you know what? You and everyone else knows that she is wrong, but be nice to her anyway. She'll figure it out one day and will know you were sweet to her

isn't that kinda mean? letting her walk around thinking she is right but actually sounding like an idiot? better to get corrected by by someone you love than strangers who will be more critical.

I'm sure she read that on wikipedia and we all know that site is never wrong!

It's both as accurate and more extensive than the Encyclopedia Brittanica.