By Unemployed - 02/06/2011 04:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 05/06/2015 01:07 - United States - Elkhart
Criminal Minds
By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 00:01 - United States
By FreeOfCharge - 21/09/2009 06:06 - Canada
By Ugh - 13/12/2016 14:39
By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 15:39 - United States
Call the cops!
By epipen life - 10/03/2019 16:00 - United States
By phlyingphuck - 19/07/2009 15:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/12/2009 20:18 - United States
Epipen time!
By Anonymous - 17/08/2010 17:06 - Canada
About that raise…
By onlyolivia - 05/10/2016 14:43 - United States - Elkridge
Top comments
Or grounds for a lawsuit
Okay, with this woman's reasoning, every customer ever served at any place that sells any sort of food/drink, the employee must run through a detailed and complex list of the ingredients incase a customer is too dumb to check that their allergy isn't in the food. Which is not right. If I had an allergy I would double check with everything I ate, especially if the allergy was severe. What I can't understand is pretty much every food establishment I have ever been to that has nuts as a deliberate part of the cooking/dish [Like this sundae with almonds rather than "May contain traces of nuts from processing line"] has the ingredients or a warning label on the menu. This woman is all kinds of dumb for not checking [Considering the sundae was probably called "Blahblahblah with almonds" or "Almond sundae", I hope she isn't anaphylactic and just will get a rash rather than a severe life-threatening reaction.
anyone else think the customer was just saying she was allergic and possibly being sue happy? ((I'd tell the lunch ladies I was Allergic to peanuts to get out of eating pb&j sandwiches if I had forgotten/couldn't bring lunch money)) what kind of person who has allergies to certain things doesn't ask if that specific item is in their food?
Hope she chokes on them tbh
shouldnt someone with a nut allergy always ask? what a dumb shit... haha
Um, on the menu is supposed to say what's in the sundae. Why didn't she just check that? Pff dumbass.
I work at Denny's and most common reason is that people want a discount or free food. if theirs a picture it's defiantly not your fault and if she's highly allergic to something she should have told you (most people do). if their wasn't a picture you should probably verify if they want everything that's on a Sunday first.
What a bitch!! Hope you sin't lose your job
She really should have told you she was allergic to almonds. Didn't she see them in the sundae?
You should know what's in what you're eating. Especially if you have any allergies. That was not on you, OP. You were just doing your job the way you were taught to do it.