By Unemployed - 02/06/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, a customer had an allergic reaction to the almonds in the sundae I made for her. We're supposed to put the almonds on unless the customer asks otherwise. She complained to my boss that I'd poisoned her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 989
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She really should have told you she was allergic to almonds. Didn't she see them in the sundae?

EffinToofer 3

You should know what's in what you're eating. Especially if you have any allergies. That was not on you, OP. You were just doing your job the way you were taught to do it.


Apparently she doesn't pay attention when it comes to nuts in her mouth

What a bitch!! Hope you didn't lose your job. And next time notify the customers that theres almonds in the sunday to avoid the another incident like this

skyeyez9 24

Sorry, but this isn't your fault, op. The customer should have been extra vigilant to protect herself from her allergies, not you. She should always ask if there are almonds in any food she touches or consumes. I am highly allergic and nearly died from anaphylactic shock from my allergies. I rarely eat out because it is just easier to prepare my own foods.

braasilianx0 4

maybe she should be aware of what she's paying for and if it contains anything she's allergic to. bitch customer!

what a loser. as if it took her until she ate the sundae to realise there were nuts in it. did she not notice the chewy non icecream nutty substances in it? i have lots of food allergies and i always ask what is in what i am eating to avoid situations like these. im sure she just wanted free food or a reason to bitch.

frozenfreeze 5

After the nut was in her mouth, did she spit or swallow it?

SorrowFull 8

most places that serve ice cream have a sign at the door, or near the counter saying that cross contamination from peanuts is possible, if some idiot eats said name ice cream, then that's on them for being stupid

Enforcer 7

In all restaurants in Boston its law to have a sign saying "before placing your order, please inform your server if anyone in your party has a food allergy"

I would've though it was common sense to tell the staff anyway. Putting up a sign is a good idea though, covers your arse in cases like this!

was she blind? did she not see the nuts before she took a bite? I can't stand people who just want to complain because of their own stupidity.

MerrikBarbarian 9

speaking as someone who had nut allergies, this woman fails on multiple levels. 1) if you have allergies you never assume! 2) if the allergies are that bad you don't eat out because nuts can fall into all sorts of things and the oil remains on utensils used. fyl for having to deal with this idiot op