By NotBuyingATractor - 02/09/2015 02:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a customer service guy called to fix a problem I've been having with my phone. When it transpired that he couldn't help, he transferred me to another representative. This other representative ended up being a John Deere dealer in Michigan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 647
You deserved it 1 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

John Deere stands behind all of their equipment... Except for their manure spreader

How does that even happen?! Always sucks having to call because you always get transferred from one person to another


its your john deere dealer coming through for you! reisterer and schnell

foxmatrix15 8

Well...? Don't keep me in suspense did they fix ur phone?

bryce0110 23

I got transferred to a pay phone once by a computer help line. The disturbing part is someone picked up.

doglady 16

Oops I hit YDI by mistake. That really does suck,OP, although it's kinda funny too.