By T_Willl - 17/11/2010 03:43
Same thing different taste
By DarkSerebii - 05/06/2014 15:16 - United States
The customer is always a dong
By Obviously works everywhere - 20/09/2017 23:15
By notfuckingpaidenough - 13/06/2015 11:45 - United States - San Leandro
By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 06:46 - United States
Make up your mind
By choke on a dick, sir - 01/11/2013 22:47 - United States - Portland
By anonymous - 30/09/2012 05:32 - Canada - Edmonton
By Anonymous - 11/03/2018 01:30
Please leave
By bakingwomannnnnnnn - 20/11/2013 07:59 - United States - Redding
By maleficunt - 03/06/2014 20:44 - United Kingdom - Cannock
By suspended - 25/07/2015 00:59 - United States - Englewood
Top comments
You'll see the bigger dumb ass when you look in the mirror. Learn to ******* spell before calling people dumb asses.
Well that's what you get for being rude! Next time just spit in their food. Why be aggressive when you can be passive agressive?
Eh, I think rude customers deserve being treated rudely. They're not the king of the castle.
Two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do.
FYL- You didn't know it was the corporate owner, and it was probably a total fluke that he/she came by, but if you did know he/she is coming, then YDI. YDI- You shouldn't be rude to a customer anyways no matter what, just STFU and take the insults like a prostitute bending over.
I've worked in retail for five years and the amount of customers who speak to you like dirt for no reason whatsoever is unbelievable. I've had personal insults thrown at me for denying a refund, been spoken to slowly as if I'm special needs, had stock thrown at me, and that's just me. I know others who've had far worse, for no reason other than the customer is a self-important arsehole who's decided they're better than you and so they don't need to be polite in any way. So I know how tempting it is to be rude back. I doubt he was the owner, he is most likely messing with you, but in future just be firm but over-polite : there's nothing more frustrating than someone who refuses to argue with you, and they won't be able to complain about your service either.
lol that's what happens when you are a slave to the people fyl
Agree. I also work in retail and some customers are just plain assholes. The customer is def not always right. I was taught to just kill them with politeness and over service and when they have refused to leave the store say ur going to get security. Always works.
That's when you should've said "I Joke, I Joke" lol
don't be a dick dick!
YDI For not being the mature one.
Ouch. Well good luck finding another job. =)