By T_Willl - 17/11/2010 03:43

Today, a customer was rude to me, and I was rude back. He then asked for my manager, and I told him I was the store manager. He then identified himself as the corporate owner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 988
You deserved it 57 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lilgirly89102 0
cpatrick820 3

Ok, I have to go against the grind here. Who here has worked in retail, the restaurant business, or pretty much any service-based job? Think of every time a customer was rude to you. Was being polite back helping the situation? Chances are they weren't, because chances are these costumers have grown accustomed to being dicks to employees without any repercussions. Being polite only further validates their behavior, much like giving a toddler who draws Dora the Explorer taking a dump on the wall a cookie and saying "who's my little angel?" It's basic validation. At my last job, I was actually ENCOURAGED to be rude back if a costumer was treating me like a doormat. The best part was they would go cry mommy to my manager, who would then ask them to leave the store (the store was small enough that the manager almost always saw the rude behavior take place). The result was a much lighter mood in the store and more polite costumers. The costumer is NOT king, the costumer IS too old to be acting like a prick, and the costumer is DEFINITELY not always right. Period.

what do they teach you on retail most important thing the customer is always right! it's bad buisness practice to give it back if they are being rude, they may have a valid reason. they pay money for services gst which includes your services and people don't like paying for bad service. if you don't like it don't work in retail, it's simple ftw

cpatrick820 3

Does it not seem like society is becoming substantially ruder by the year? I agree with you that the costumer should be treated with respect and given your full effort. However, there isn't a single reason I can think of to be rude to someone who is helping you. I don't think it's so unfair to expect everyone to treat each other of respect and courtesy, even in a demand/serve relationship like this.

What does returning rude behaviour get you? You shouldn't work in an industry dependent on customers if you can't deal with them. Further, it's not your job to teach them manners. I have had rude customers. In my experience, if you call them on it politely, they stop. If they become over-bearing or threatening, security (or police) can deal with them. You should not resort to volleying rude remarks and insults. OP, maybe your manager was there necause he'd received complaints about your behaviour. YDI for lacking customer service and managerial skills.

sipher16 0

that's why people walk allover you if you work in the service industry. because they no the moto "the customer is always right" when more than half the time they are not. people should learn to be polite to each other but if someone starts yelling at you over something that is aginst pollicy than your hands are tied. are you supposed to give in? and say "oh sorry sir let me just change policy for you and here we go have a nice day sir =D" no you tell them to get out or listen. the customer is not allways right that quote started in food service which makes much more since.

I usually find being polite disfuses the situation. And if not, and they are being that rude, surely you should call for your manager anyway... Of course all companies are different, but i was taught, be polite back, then if they continue to be rude, get the duty manager. So basically I have never dealt with rude customers because manager deals with it. And whenever i have acually had to deal with it simlpe calmness has difused it immediatly. If you really are dealing with exstremly rude customers i'ld advice getting your manager to ask them to leave straight away (of course the arguement would be they're not always around when you need them). I've never been rude, so i'ld never know if it worked, so i don't want to argue if it works or not.

Poetry, Many businesses have a zero-tolerance policy towards rude customers. It makes plenty of business sense, especially if the business has a hard time retaining employees. Extremely rude employees are few and far between, their lack of business shouldn't have an impact. Of course the food industry is an entirely different dynamic, so nothing I said applies to that. Also, I agree with cpatrick820 in that I find it immoral to NOT be rude back to a customer.

Actually, yes, being polite back has helped me many times. The ruder they get, the more polite I get (though I don't apologize). They usually get so flustered because I'm not getting upset that they just walk out.

You have a very valid point, but regardless, most service businesses REQUIRE politeness from the employees at all times. It may reinforce assholish behavior, but not doing so has a high chance of getting one fired. It's a two-way street.

52- amen! I bet not one of the people who commented saying "the customer is always right", put themselves in OP's shoes. I'm not going to let a customer be rude to me either.

perdix 29

You should have told him that you're an undercover auditor for the IRS. He would have STFU'd and given you a promotion and a bonus. If you had chosen to tell him you worked for ICE (Immigration), he would have made you VP and given you dibs on his trophy wife.

Didn't it occur to anyone that OP just lied and told the customer that he was the manager, even though he wasn't, in order to prevent the customer from complaining to a real manager about him?

ydi for being rude. it doesn't matter how rude the customer is, it's your job to be polite and friendly as well. when things get too out of hand you call and have security escort them out or politely ask them to leave.

YigalElohev 2

Uh, no. First off, customers aren't automatically entitled to treat anyone like dirt. Additionally, not all restaurants have security, so it's in the hands of the manager or shift supervisor - whoever is on duty. That said, I turned a blind eye when employees did things to rude customers' food.

Dumbass. If you actually are the manager you better learn damn quick that customers, while stupid, are not worth you risking your job. give em what they want, and if you can't just say no with a smile... then mock them after they're out of earshot.

ulicksam 0

It's called business sense, or business COMMON sense, of which you have none.

wDeemish 0

What the heck are you talking about?? "haaaa3"??

DevynnLeighh 0

Good. I hope you get fired. I hate when employees act like they're superior to customers just because they're a manager. Your job depends upon your customers!

You failed the OP was being harassed first. But two wrongs don't make a right.... NOW GO TO YOUR CORNER!