By wishbone - 14/04/2009 20:41 - Canada

Today, a cute boy told me I looked like a celebrity. Flattered, I asked who I resembled. He responded by saying that I looked exactly like Ugly Betty. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 704
You deserved it 5 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vee_baby 0

Ouchh.. ): Well, America is pretty when she's NOT playing Ugly Betty.. Maybe that was the only show he could remember her from.


I think she is hot.... here is a facebook group of people who agree

America Ferrera is really pretty, that's a compliment. So, unless you have dork glasses and a bad haircut, why are you complaining?

Marleybaby 0

Complainer! Take a comliment...he seems sweet :)

Did he mean Ugly Betty the character, or America Fererra? I would find out, because there's a big difference. A lot of times, people only know actors by their characters. This could easily be one of those situations. I wouldn't worry about it.

boredomnesses 0

I'd get up and be "oh really?" cause you kinda look like "Fat bastard"

Don_fml 0

America Ferrera is very pretty. :)