By wishbone - 14/04/2009 20:41 - Canada

Today, a cute boy told me I looked like a celebrity. Flattered, I asked who I resembled. He responded by saying that I looked exactly like Ugly Betty. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 704
You deserved it 5 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vee_baby 0

Ouchh.. ): Well, America is pretty when she's NOT playing Ugly Betty.. Maybe that was the only show he could remember her from.


PainSol 0

Ugly Betty is pretty damn cute.

In America, you'd be hard pressed to find a truly ugly person on a TV show. Brits don't seem to have a problem with doing it, though.

America Ferrera is wayy gorgeous, even as ugly betty

America is pretty as Betty and herself. It's a compliment.

Captain Spaulding would looooooooooooove you~

heatherryo 0

if you have glasses and braces, you should take that as a compliment, for real.

5bye7 0

this is the worst FML ever. are you kidding, that is the stupidest story. LAME

If it makes you feel better, Ugly Betty isn't all that ugly. They really should have found a much uglier actor to play her...

OhSoFoxy 0

I saw a girl the other day that looked like a much cuter version of Ugly Betty, but I refrained from saying anything.