By Kitty Lover - 11/06/2016 19:04 - United States - Houston

Today, a few weeks after moving in with my boyfriend, I borrowed his phone to Google something because mine was dead. His most recent searches? "How kill cat", "Kill cat laws", "Cat + poison". I thought he was ok with my cat when I moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 540
You deserved it 1 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do some Google searches on "how to kill boyfriend", "murder laws", and "best poisons hard to detect"... and be nice to your boyfriend: surprise him with a cake, offer him coffee, cook him something nice...

Ummmmm.... Confront him about it, because that's ****** up!


Run! Run while you and the cat are safe!

That's seriously psychopathic. Take the cat and run, OP. And please post a follow up! We need to know if you survived! Also, to the ones telling her to confront him - he's already taken one extremely psychopathic action instead of behaving like a human being. Who's to say he might not react violently to a confrontation?

nentenkupo 16

Is he by any chance a writer?