By exuberant_orange - 08/01/2015 15:56 - United States - Fort Myers

Today, a girl from class screamed at me in public for hugging the guy she likes. She threatened to take me out if I didn't "back off". That guy is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 229
You deserved it 2 612

exuberant_orange tells us more.

Hey OP here, it's awesome this got posted! Follow up for some people with questions: This girl came to my school while I was out on sick leave, so being she was in the same class as the BF and I; she got to know him before I came back. He told her he was taken but apparently since I wasn't actually there this didn't phase her. The boyfriend is rather creeped by this girl's psycho tendencies, and has tried to avoid her the entire time I was gone, when I came back we figured she would see us together and drop the crush. This backfired apparently. XD Anyhow my boyfriend and I found her and talked to her later and tried to calmly explain that we were together. She was quiet long enough for us to finish. She mostly seemed really embarrassed and actually apologized! Hopefully she'll stop sending me poisonous looks now. :p But all is (for the most part) well now. Thanks everyone!

Top comments

Looks like the boyfriend needs to have a talk to the girl. The hostility! Haha


Lmao that's when you need to take a bitch down.

I had a (kind of) similar thing happen to me in grade 7. This girl and I had a crush on the same guy. She called me just about every name and every word in the book, even threatened to send people after me for it. I would say don't worry unless you really have to.

i would have kissed him and said you wont do a thing.

Hey OP here, it's awesome this got posted! Follow up for some people with questions: This girl came to my school while I was out on sick leave, so being she was in the same class as the BF and I; she got to know him before I came back. He told her he was taken but apparently since I wasn't actually there this didn't phase her. The boyfriend is rather creeped by this girl's psycho tendencies, and has tried to avoid her the entire time I was gone, when I came back we figured she would see us together and drop the crush. This backfired apparently. XD Anyhow my boyfriend and I found her and talked to her later and tried to calmly explain that we were together. She was quiet long enough for us to finish. She mostly seemed really embarrassed and actually apologized! Hopefully she'll stop sending me poisonous looks now. :p But all is (for the most part) well now. Thanks everyone!

meli1195 31

at least she seemed to back off, some people are crazy enough to keep persisting.

Be careful. She sounds crazy enough to do something to try and get you out of the picture

You'd think she'd get the message the first time. I'd still be careful if I were you. It's nice that she apologized though!

MoroseMoose 47

Good for you for talking to her calmly! That's probably more than I would be able to do.

xbaconator9000x 16

I am actually interested in this saga. Sounds like an interesting experience

Still a better love story than twilight.

maybe your boyfriend have been swapping bodily fluids with her.

Wow. You couldn't even read the follow up two comments before yours.