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By twit - 16/03/2009 01:14 - United States

Today, a girl-scout asked me to buy cookies, in front of Giant. She looked nice, so I bought 5 boxes from her. She took the money and went home with her mom. I opened the boxes when I got home and realized that the boxes just had rocks in them. I got scammed by a girl-scout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 237 635
You deserved it 39 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hate to say it man, but if you can't tell a box of cookies from a box of rocks, you deserved it. :p



Hate to say it man, but if you can't tell a box of cookies from a box of rocks, you deserved it. :p

your supposed to order them and there delivered later and you put your name in a form you should do some more research for next time.

actually girl scouts I know sell them directly until they run out

RawrrrImADino 0

i'm a gs and we sell our leftover cookies at lowes and walmart...

Herropreez17 0

In his defense those girl scouts are some crafty bitches...

didn't you like check inside the boxes to see just in case?

Yeah, cause who knows, it might be a scamming girl scout.. I mean come on, what are the odds?

DUH THAT WAS NOT A REALLY GIRL SCOUT!! girl scouts don't scam you. I have friends that are girl scouts. I know it is upsetting but don't f-ing blame it all on the organization...gezz.

well she wasn't expecting to be scammed by girl scouts....what are they teaching these girl scount now a day?!how to be berny madoff?

they are adapting to the modern ecenomic market

except for his spelling of economy, he is not right.

economic* ****, I've ruined a perfectly good troll statement >.>

lol, poor you! especially with the prices of GS cookies these days.

lol@#2... you never can trust those girl scouts... they totally downsized the thin mints box this year!

sashalynn 0

Nah, samosas are the way to gp. :-)

#2, who ever checks boxes of cookies? Hahah And that seriously sucks, but you would think you could feel a slight difference.


Omfg!!!I knew it to girl scounts are just trying to scam people.I need those cookies to get me through mw2.those girl scounts need to be shot!

iceliebedich 7

I'm a girl scout and I don't scam girls are not in charge of making the cookies but we have to sell them(I sell them $4 a box) and yea they are pricey and downsized, but so good...but FYL for getting scammed by a scanner, you really need to be able to tell the difference, a girl scout carries around an order form where as a scanner doesn't..and plus a girl scout would have their leaders number in case you want to get ahold of their leader...make sense?

Shit I'd pay to see a scanner scam people.,

#6 haha that made my day. I'm not the only one feeling ripped off

DuchessAngel37 0

Dude, the economy is rough on them scouts too!

Vendetta on all Girl Scouts! Hunt down random packs of GS's and pelt them with cheap store brought biscuits as a lesson to them