By hatemylife - 19/07/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, a group of girl-scouts came to my door selling chocolate bars. I bought 2 bars and smiled as they left, thinking I'd done a good deed. When the door closed, I heard one of the girls say, "Told you, the fat bitches always wanna buy from us." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 041
You deserved it 6 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

Well, at least they have a marketing strategy. Good for them.

Re-open the door and show them what happens when a fat bitch is insulted.


mismonroe 0

Well, at least they have a marketing strategy. Good for them.

Re-open the door and show them what happens when a fat bitch is insulted.

Next time they come back tell them to wait at the door while you grab some money. THEN RELEASE THE KRAKEN!

well, sadly its stereotyped that obese people have more of a tendency to eat unhealthy foods becuase in around half the cases it's the reason for obesity. even if it's not your reason, you did a good deed and now u have candy, fat or not everyone loves candy. so it's not terrible. and if your worried about your weight try a diet or something? idk. have a break. have a kitkat.

well you know you have a problem if you buy again from them next week

MizzErikaHart 8

"break me off a piece of that kitkat bar!!"

mismonroe your right they're making mad money

Glitterhinoceros 14

Who honestly cares if you were called fat by children, you have candy >.>...

next time eat the candy and don't payB)

TayonaC 10

Or you could 'accidentally' let your vicious dog outside.

Sounds like something I would say... *shame*

OneNightStan 2
lbumbblebee 5

who cares what those kids say! You got yourself a chocolate bar.

21, your comments recently kinda makes me wanna buy stuff . . .

hahahaha this girls bio is eat me hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha..

AnonymousCoolGuy 0

I once read a story about a porno that involved girl scouts. true story.

it's times like these.. you need minties

KayDayParade 0

can I question why your photo is a picture of a beagle pointing...saying you got it babe..

Monkeythief5 0

Dang, my generation is a sad bunch. :O

-135 The children or the candy bars? I'm not sure which I would enjoy more.

iEatDinosaurs14 0

what the hell does that have to do with anything.?.

Haha I would hire them if I were a marketing director. But they weren't very smart to say it RIGHT after the door closed.

I'm... shall we say, tall from side to side not to mention 6'1. I would advise buying ALL the candy next time! With funny money, naturally. Back when my mother were a Girl Scout, they went camping... Now they visit malls sooo...

ImaWiseGuy 5

haha it's ****** up, but it is common knowledge...

avatar0810 15

where do you live that girl scouts sell candy bars?

TheRealBruce 12

New York it says it on the post.

Lol those are some wicked girl scouts..

you did your "deed" and the girls did theirs?

monkeylove13 0
iLoveBoobies21 0
MizzErikaHart 8

I bet these girls in the post weren't lying...

42- just stfu. your comment was unnecessary and stupid.

k8izgr8_fml 0

64- wow. someones overly sensitive

you guys are so rude stop telling people their fat look in the damn mirrior you don't even know if she is fat so shut up And learn à 7 letter word dalles RESPECT !!!!

kids are awfully ungrateful these days.

Wow. That is just.. wow. The stupid ***** would make my blood boil so badly that they'd better get the **** away from me.

MizzErikaHart 8

you shouldn't care that much about what a couple lil brats say. u must have anger possibly even rage issues

MizzErikaHart 8

you shouldn't care that much about what a couple lil brats say. u must have anger possibly even rage issues

Don't you ******* talk to me, you ******! **** you in the ass, you freaking bitch. Oh, that late already? Time for my therapy. See ya.

BeastNerd 3

And modded in three, two, one.. ;)

Keep on counting and have a nice day.

omgcookeys 15

aww, you called girl scouts *****! a little harsh...

Your vulgar use of the word "freaking" is just disappointing, Doortje....What the **** is up with that? Although, I am ecstatic that for once, somebody on this site can hurl insults that are grammatically correct.

I have a 'cat'apult for that very reason.

Wow. But at least you will enjoy them?