By bubbles - 12/10/2009 05:36 - United States
Same thing different taste
By lyssthemiss - 22/09/2015 10:51 - United States - Joliet
By dog got ur phone - 07/05/2017 02:00
Sneaky boy
By anonymous - 15/12/2015 06:00 - United States - Huffman
By pod - 25/06/2011 23:29 - United States
By yay! - 08/11/2010 06:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:22 - United States - Audubon
Little devil
By Girlie - 07/05/2024 00:00 - Canada
By ilikemusicokay - 08/08/2009 05:04 - United States
By stelssy - 26/01/2013 05:03 - United States
It's a doggy dog world
By Anonymous - 31/10/2019 02:00
Top comments
I do this all the time... But, I'm not the kind of weirdo who takes a bath with my dog.
I had to re-read it a time or two, but the dog came from outside the tub. I was wondering how a dog in a tub would nudge and iPod in. Also, I've never had a dog who would sit in a bathtub. My experience is that if you have a dog in a bathtub, having music to listen to is the least of your worries!
Simple solution: if you keep your ipod around water, buy a waterproof case.
Erm, #27... I'd assume people listen to music while bathing to, what's the word...? Oh, relax.
THIS IPOD CAN BE SAVED!! -Do not try to turn it on - Stick it in a bag of rice -Leave it for 6-10 days -The rice will absorb the water, and your iPod should be fine.
does no one on here lock the bathroom? or just any doors in general? so many posts about someone walking in on something embarrassing or a pet coming into the bathroom. if you don't want them in there, lock the door. that's why they made them. and OP, if it was that important, you should have gotten a case.
I'm pretty sure you don't even have to lock them. Just close the door, at least. Unless your dog can open closed doors, that's all you need to do. Now, if you dog can open doors, comes in when the door is closed, looks you in the eye, and pushes the iPod into the tub... You should worry about what you're doing to him to make him hate you.
Probably should get one of those ipod docks and put it in a safe place so you can listen while you take a bath ._.
my dog can open doors if they are even slightly open(headbuts them) so maybe that happened to him OR he takes bathes with his dog(which would be sort of weird but anyway)!
My Nan's dog can open the back door in her house.. I think the OP should invest in closable doors.. Maybe doorknobs if the dog is such a genius
... and this is why the make those cheap radios that stick to bathroom walls
I would punch my dog in, and around the facial area for committing such a heinous crime. >:/
I honestly can't tell if you're agreeing with him or disagreeing with him by suggesting that the name is apt.
even dogs hate the Bieber...
I would slice your throat open if you did that.
So smart.
I believe without all this technology, all these poor people would have to be stuck listening to their own thoughts. Where would the world be?
It really doesn't have anything to do with technology. People have been listening to radios in their bathrooms during showers and baths forever, my grandma had a little radio she listened to during her showers and then a little tv she turned on in the bathroom when she was getting ready so she could watch/listen to the news.
YDI how retarded does one have to be to put yourself in such a situation (same applies to those who spill drinks/liquids on their laptops). There is a saying "a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others". Similar things happened to my friends, so I religiously avoid any liquids near my electronics.
Buy some speakers...
That's exactly what I was thinking......
wow I love my new iPod. hm I need a bath, I know! I'll put my iPod right next to the water! that's a great idea
I bring my phone in with me while I'm bathing, I bring sandwiches, tons of things. Nothing is more enjoyable than eating while soaking. :P

umm, your dog is a smart dog
I believe without all this technology, all these poor people would have to be stuck listening to their own thoughts. Where would the world be?