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By moneybenny - 07/06/2014 10:17 - Australia - Richmond

Today, a guy I had been casually seeing asked me to dinner. Thinking he could be wanting to make things serious, I got all dressed up. Turns out he got a girlfriend and just wanted to tell me in person to avoid things being awkward. We then waited in silence for our meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 375
You deserved it 5 057

moneybenny tells us more.

And to anyone saying I could have left... He picked me up in his car and drove me to the place. The car ride home was equally fun.

Top comments

whiskeey 14

Well good thing it wasn't awkward or anything right?

You didn't have to wait in silence with him, you could have just left...


whiskeey 14

Well good thing it wasn't awkward or anything right?

Yep, nothing like getting dressed up for someone whos breaking up with you

Demig0d6 14

Free meal... What's there to complain

badluckalex 23

15- they were never together. they were, as op put it, "casually seeing each other".

68 would it be: '..."casually seeing" each other.'? I'm terrible at English but as far as I tell only direct quotes go in the quotation marks? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Ashleynne391 1

Oh yay down votes for learning! Upvotes/down votes don't matter but love the negativity towards someone trying to become better at something. Besides you, 90, you're awesome!

At least the guy was decent about it. Nothing worse than a text break up!

And then after you've eaten, walk out and stick him with the bill.

And then he will leave his new girlfriend with the bill

What a jackass he should've just told her instead of teasing her with a dinner >.>

Nickb55 16

This is terribly rude! He took her out to dinner to tell her this! I would assume that he's paying anyways but I could think of worse ways to tell them something they don't want to hear!

1dvs_bstd 41

i think a call would have been sufficient but dial it back, what he did wasn't horrible, just unnecessary.

19, who ever said that the action of walking out was exclusive to dates?

He's just an idiot. I don't think he meant any harm, he probably thought breaking up in person was the kindest way of doing it. perhaps he still really wanted to be your friend and hoped the feelings would be mutual enough for the dinner to continue smoothly. he's a moron for assuming this though.

Walk out with head held high and don't look back.

meganlovestea 15

Well that's kinda harsh. I think he tried to mean well at least by telling her in person. Just over dinner isn't the best way to do it. I wouldn't walk out and order a bunch of expensive stuff just to leave him with the bill, that's just mean, they were only casually dating anyway.

Cheater and liar? If you classify it as "casually seeing each other", then you should not expect to be exclusive. And if you're not exclusive there is no cheating.

You didn't have to wait in silence with him, you could have just left...

Yea I would have just left. I think he was trying to be respectable by telling her like that but she shouldn't have felt obligated to stay.

Hell no, I'd want my dinner and stick that insignificant twat with the bill

53, how's he a twat? He was just trying to do the right thing. Perhaps it should have been over coffee or something instead. Better than just never calling again.

bobbyguy 17

You should have asked him if it was a date or just having dinner as friends. And I didn't see the need to get dressed up if you know the person.

So #33, you're saying you base whether you look nice or not on the chance of having sex later? Repulsive.

flame5768 14

no. he's not. don't be a dick. but i guess you are what you eat.

#50, I'm honestly curious because I don't think I understand this convo, but why is that repulsive? Do you dress up all the time? Or is it repulsive because #33 dresses up to improve his chances of sex? It seems like as good a reason as any, but I wish I understood your complaint better. (Fully expecting to be downvoted to Hell for daring to ask.)

TheFellyBelly 8

I don't see why a person wouldn't dress to impress. In my opinion isn't that why anyone dresses up nice for the opposite sex (atleast in a date situation). If you showed up looking like a slob I know I wouldn't want to do anything with you, regardless if you are a man or a woman. The more you impress the person the more chance of getting some booty. So why not?

Is it repulsive because you imply that not dressing up means not looking nice? Or because sometimes looking nice increases the chance of sex? Or maybe you are one of those people who cannot leave the house without spending minimum an hour on your appearance. On your profile you say you don't bite but you have already proven to be quite the bitch.

Not a single thing she said makes it okay for you to call her a bitch - she actually had valid points. People dress up to reach certain goals. You dress up for a job interview to impress the interviewer and get the job. You dress nicely for work to have a professional air about you. You dress up for a date to look nice for your date, because that's just what you do. It's nice to dress up. It boosts self esteem, it makes people look at you different... It is NOT a bad thing. And who knows, they may have gone to a fancy restaurant! You're supposed to wear dressier clothes to those.

Pretty sure her saying it was repulsive is a bitchy thing to say and I stand by it. I was also saying theres nothing wrong with dressing up even if it's for sex? Not sure if you are confused with who I aimed it at (33).

Nickb55 16

At least he took you out to dinner! He thought of a nice way to try to tell you!

I think going out for a beer or ice cream or anything not as long as a whole meal would have been smarter. You can pay upfront. Explain while drinking the beer and then everyone leaves. Much better IMO.

40, True, your idea is much better. But I bet the guy wasn't thinking clearly cause he felt bad and thought his only options were text, call, or in person, and he probably didn't want it to seem like he was making small of their relationship by just saying it and leaving, hence the dinner. But I think just saying it and leaving probably would've been less awkward and better for both. Bet he's wishing he did it short and sweet now.

sneeze_watch 19

This kind of situation is where you GET A TO-GO BOX instead of sitting in horrible, awkward silence for an entire meal.

iLike2Teabag 27

A place you would dress up to go to probably won't be a take-out place though.

I don't know of any restaurant other than a buffet where you can't get food to go. I work at a nice Italian place and we do carry outs all the time.

Well, better to find out now than later.

Guess he didn't avoid the awkward part like he hoped