Caught wet-handed

By Anonymous - 23/10/2015 20:10 - Canada - Fredericton

Today, I walked in on my best friend with his hand down my girlfriend's pants and her moaning for him to "keep going." She had the brass balls to claim she had a "tummy ache" and that he was just rubbing her stomach better. I may be a total dumbass, but I'm not THAT stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 270
You deserved it 2 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend's about to get a ******** ache that she'll have to rub better, right?

I'll never understand the logic behind cheating. Why not just leave the person if you want to be with someone else? Move on from them. You don't need people like that in your life.


Time for some heart ache to her, keep going.

Dump her cheating ass on the spot. When someone cheats they are no longer worthy of you.

Your best friend's about to get a ******** ache that she'll have to rub better, right?

Nah, a snake will bite his dick and she'll need to suck the poison out.

No she'll acedently trip with her pants off and land on his best friends dick

#39 - That episode of Archer was hilarious.

addioty 19

Just punch her in the stomach so he will actually have an excuse to rub it. Or the ******. Preferably the ******.

Or kick her ****** and call it a **** punt

That's the best shit I've heard all day

drayloon 50

maybe you'll give her a cuntcussion

Just reading this pissed me off. I hope you punched your "best friend" for not walking away. You just don't do that to a brother.

countryb_cth 38

Don't bother punching him OP he will get what's coming to him. I bet anything that your so called "best friend" will come crying back when the ***** cheats on him. That's when you tell him to **** off and then smile at the karma.

While I'm a big believer in karma, catching someone in the act of touching my girl that way would earn a first hand experience of what it feels like to get both elbows and wrists broken, both shoulders dislocated, blood-choked into blackout, and their ribs danced on. Jiu-jitsu for the win.

Axel5238 29

I don't believe in karma. People tend to hang them selves. However, that would not qualify for justifiable force. You'd pay the dudes hospital bills and more if he sued.

I'll never understand the logic behind cheating. Why not just leave the person if you want to be with someone else? Move on from them. You don't need people like that in your life.

That's probably because humans, in general, are not logical beings.

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It's usually because they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings ( yeah, that makes sense :eye roll: ) or they're trying to have both the security of a relationship and the excitement of a fling. I guess cheating must cause a drop in IQ or something.

I think it is similar to a strict diet, the guilty pleasure of sneaking a snack here and there is just too much of a temptation.

Except we are talking about human people and emotions here, not a harmless cheat while dieting

#20 when I hear about someone that is supposed to be "in love" that cheats, I take it as they aren't truly in love. I don't think you can cheat when truly in love, as you love them too much and would feel too much guilt to bear. For example: I loved my ex, but wasn't in love, and I kissed another guy who gave me the attention the ex wasn't. I felt bad but I did it, and I've always been against cheating. Now, I'm in a long term relationship with someone I'm absolutely crazy in love with. I can't even imagine so much as kissing someone that isn't him. I'm head over heels and he's the only one I want to be with. I feel that cheaters lack that feeling, no matter how much they claim to "love" their S/O.

I agree. I think people seem unable to differentiate between love and in love. Love is everywhere. You can love objects, prized possessions, your pet, family, friends, whatever it is and still get the same feelings across all these realms. I dated a girl for 2 years and was never in love with her despite my justifications on how I thought I was. I just loved her.. no different then I would a friend or family member. She obviously could sense my lack of full emotional commitment to her but oh well, you live and you learn.

Yeah hurt people and betray their trust for some excitement... If you want a "sneak" simply don't be in a relationship and change as many partners as you want. You know the definition of a relationship and if you can't handle it don't have it.

I think it's because some people in relationships want "something they can't have" for a bit, or want the rush of doing something they're not supposed to. It's really messed up either way, and leaving someone that cheats is definitely a good move.

But you should try having morals and choosing one or the other, not cheating

olpally 32

Punch him in the balls and kick her out the door.

mermaidkeels 26

Their titles should quickly change to "ex best friend" and "ex girlfriend".

Well for one he's not your best friend and two she just a *****