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By Emily - 03/03/2011 15:23

Today, a man was struggling up some slippery steps with a pram, when his sunglasses fell from his head. I hurried to pick them up for him, as he had no free hands, but instead accidentally stood on them, snapping them in half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 378
You deserved it 16 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Here let me do it for you.... Today (some time in the last 24hrs), a man (**** sapien sapien, male) struggling (having physical difficulty) up some slippery (unable to fully grasp or purchase because of some lubricant, usually ice) steps (stairs leading to a home or abode) with a pram (baby stroller, google search About 7,720,000 results (0.13 seconds) ) dropped his sunglasses (darkened lenses placed over the eyes to minimize brightness. Sometimes used to look cool) off his head (something infrequently used by FML readers) in his struggle. I hurried (moved quickly towards) to pick them up for him as he had no free (he paid for them, so they're not free, but most likely his hands were occupied doing something else) hands, and instead stood on them and snapped them in half (he broke them). Just because you are not familiar with every single variant of the english language doesn't mean OP has to spell everything out for you. In Austrailia, I showed up for Shrimp on the Barbie with a small guy humping a barbie doll and was promptly tossed out.

Just to do a little research, I timed how long it would take me to type in "WTF is a pram?". Then I timed how long it took me to type "pram" into google so I could see hundreds of pictures of prams. WTF is a pram: 0.9 seconds pram: 0.2 seconds I do this research for you because I care.


xNikkiez 0

68, I see what you did there! :) haha

Let me be the first to congratulate you on helping stop this plague spreading across the world. I have discovered that an alien race are trying to gain control of our minds through sunglasses. Please if you have sunglasses do what this brave Emily has done. Till next time, good bye and remember sunglasses kill

You meant well. You tried to do good, but broke something. If the guy was still pissed, he should've been happy someone was coming to his aid.

Just to do a little research, I timed how long it would take me to type in "WTF is a pram?". Then I timed how long it took me to type "pram" into google so I could see hundreds of pictures of prams. WTF is a pram: 0.9 seconds pram: 0.2 seconds I do this research for you because I care.

A good FML doesn't require research. We don't come here to do homework.

Insomnia, you do it well. BisFitty, if taking one second out of your life to type "pram" into google constitutes homework for you, then I feel sorry for your teachers. 1+3=? "omg maths again? Srsly, wen will i eva use THAT agin? looooooooool"

sorry doc but I have to poo t this out. how long did it take to write your mini-rant? how long would it have taken to write one sentence explaining what a pram is? why do you have to be a dick and not just impart some of your vast knowledge on the poor soul?

Oh thatonename, how foolish and naive you are. Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. I'm trying to teach these people to fish. I truly care, I do.

I suppose I can see the merit in that. I just hope you have a lot of worms if you truly wish to teach the rabble that flocks to fml how to fish...

RedPillSucks 31

If DocBastard is a dick for trying to point out how people can (or fail to) educate themselves instead of relying on others to spoon feed them, then I'd say that Doc is one well hung bastard. You go Doc.....

red pill. asking those who are more intelligent than you would still be educating yourself. all be it a lazy way, it's still trying to educate themselves. the only way to fail would be not knowing the meaning and just moving on. in short. doc's reasoning is much better than yours personally.

KGOOF199 0

a pram is a stroller,buggy,things the put baby's in!

rallets 22

It took you 0.9 seconds to type that out? Pfft, slowpoke. You don't have to be a condescending prick bro ;D I can use big words too :) This IS his life #41

sccrismyantidrg 4

Why would you ask what a pram is here, then wait, then keep checking back here to see if your question was answered? Doc is right; It would have taken you a second to type it into Google, which I know you could probably access from your phone, and figure it out instantly, instead of waiting all day for an answer.

rallets 22

^ its a little insect and none of this was needed. all they could have said was "a pram is a stroller, buggy, etc." and that would have been the end of that. but instead, they choose to act like they're better than everyone

Teach a man how to make a fire and he'll be warm for a little while. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.

rallets 22

what was all the f's about? and when have i acted like im better than anyone?

How about right ******* now, you goddamed troll? I don't act like I'm better than anyone, though it would be easy for me compared to some (I won't mention names, but one of them starts with "R" and rhymes with "rallets"). I already explained why I chose not to answer the question, but if you didn't bother to read the thread before making your stupid comment, then I choose not to repeat myself.

rallets 22

umm... lolwut? dude, close the thesaurus and tell me what the hell youre talking about what fact? im not denying im acting like a dick, im doing it on purpose ;D gotcha mad bro?

rallets 22

im not acting like im better than anyone.. idk where you all got that from.. ? so you didnt choose to answer the question with one sentence but you choose to write essay after essay explaining why you didnt want to answer the question im just trying to save you time dude #84 im doing both :)

Yeah, thanks for thinking about me and my time budgeting, but I'm just fine without your advice, trust me.

rallets 22

oook just trying to help out bro KaySL you can stop with the big words too. you dont have to try so hard :D

a pram is a hyperbolic chamber used for storing faeces in to research over a long period of time

hey 41 I think you need to read FML more. He's famous here. lol

I know what a pram is purely because of the book Angelas Ashes

munyarl 0

Yes, like ^they said it's a stroller. Pram is short for perambulator, so now you know.

Susieee_Q 9

Doc is right. If you can't see why, that just shows your ignorance. You're the kind of person who would ask a stupid question on a site like this. Don't know something? The Internet goes further than telling you about other people's misfortunes. It's time you discover that.

Lol a pram is a buggie/stroller whatever it is you guys call it in America. pushchair

pipp360 0
kcnutt10 1
Susieee_Q 9

^ Thank you! Enough said! Teach yourself & don't give FML users the power to humiliate you, child.

Everyone, an effing pram is a stroller that looks like one they would use in the old days. Now DocBastard can stop being an asshole and get a life.

Are you just lonely and needed some attention? Cause that's doesn't really have anything to do with your life, or you whatsoever.

Agree, where is the FML? OP deserves a YDI for posting worthless stupid shit!

EvilCupcake8361 9

there's nothing wrong with being nice to someone, especially if they can't do something themselves.

hahayousucks 3

today some asshole thought they were gonna help me, and ended up jumping on my sunglasses. ******* dick.

getraped 0

that blows. that's why I only help people after I consider everything...

a Pram is a baby stroller. like the ones where the baby faces you while you walk and is laying down. Occasionally used as a general term for a stroller in some places.

cptmorgan15 2

Pretty funny, mostly cause it's true.

leedivinchi 0

Hey Yoda, why don't you talking ******* straight instead of acting like a dipshit to Claymason. Use a vocabulary that suits you, use the proper grammar that suits you. Putting a sentence in proper English order isn't that hard is it?

he wasn't yelling at him. he was just like it's no use dude, people these days... he was sympathizing with clay, not being a dick

Why don't you talking ******* straight? Good God, you need to get your act together more than he does. Oh, for the record, commas are also /really/ useful in not looking like you're challenged, especially when insulting the other guy's grammar.

Triumvirate, don't be too harsh on the kid. Look, he's only 14, and I'm sure he feels all big and bad cursing at an adult like that. Besides, he's probably overdue for a spanking. Where the **** are LingLing and KaySL when you need them?

#47 It's called inversion, you dimwit. Learn to mix it up a little, huh? And when you're trying to insult people, make sure your own grammar is better, yeah? Cause his is better than yours.

ur a ******* retard proper English is dead when have u last seen or done a text or email properly

Ishida, read this carefully: proper English is only dead for those who choose not to use it. The rest of us intelligent proper English-using folks will be happy to tell you txt-speaking bottom dwellers that we do, in fact, want fries with that.

ishida the last time I used proper English well just right now. matter of fact I use it everyday... I guess proper English is dead for some stupid people.

perdix 29

Now the babby has to go hungry because Papa has the spend the food money on new sunglasses. You can't expect Papa to go around town not looking cool, can you?

You're either trolling, or hopelessly ignorant. Maybe you should read a dictionary at some point in your life, or use a search engine, if you don't understand a word's meaning. Please either get off your arse and make an effort, or shut it and stop wasting space in the comments section. Oh, and the same goes to you, BisFitty.

*googles "Christ on a jetski"* *looks up "search engine" in the dictionary*

SirEBC 7

Wow, dude. Triple kill. Alan, Sirin, AND Doc. FATALITY.

I think perdix is being witty, making the connection of the bad grammar in his comment with the vanity of the man spending money on new sunglasses when he has a baby

These replies are to #12, not #13. Blame the cyber terrorists, and stuff.

Again, we do not come to this site to do research. A good FML includes all necessary info.

A good English speaker understands all dialects. Since "Pram" is British English, where English originated, i believe you deserve to have to research. I got like 10 people calling me stupid when i once asked what a trapezoid was on another FML...

blitz426 0
Susieee_Q 9

Oh, my Gosh. You just don't get it.

*does homework* I still don't see how this has anything to do with your life. Sounds like he's the one who's ******.

Susieee_Q 9

He tried to help, & just created for himself a painfully awkward situation instead.

RedPillSucks 31

Here let me do it for you.... Today (some time in the last 24hrs), a man (**** sapien sapien, male) struggling (having physical difficulty) up some slippery (unable to fully grasp or purchase because of some lubricant, usually ice) steps (stairs leading to a home or abode) with a pram (baby stroller, google search About 7,720,000 results (0.13 seconds) ) dropped his sunglasses (darkened lenses placed over the eyes to minimize brightness. Sometimes used to look cool) off his head (something infrequently used by FML readers) in his struggle. I hurried (moved quickly towards) to pick them up for him as he had no free (he paid for them, so they're not free, but most likely his hands were occupied doing something else) hands, and instead stood on them and snapped them in half (he broke them). Just because you are not familiar with every single variant of the english language doesn't mean OP has to spell everything out for you. In Austrailia, I showed up for Shrimp on the Barbie with a small guy humping a barbie doll and was promptly tossed out.

RPS, thanks for showing me up, you prick. But seriously, I laugh out louded.

Good job, but there's definitely going to be someone that totally disregards the rest of the comments(as they usually do) and go on to wasting more comment space to ask the same question(s) you just answered in your very detailed and convenient explanation... Such is life... v.v