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By disgusted - 29/03/2014 21:31 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents and I attended the funeral of my husband's mother. It was open-casket, and my parents went to take a look. My mum muttered, "With a dress that tacky, no wonder she died", and my dad chuckled. A fight quickly erupted, and the police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 924
You deserved it 5 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iShanny 13

That'll make for some awkward family get togethers...


Her parents seem like absolute assholes

Ahhh, in-laws. Don't they just say the darnedest things about each other?

lexi365 20

The next family reunion or get-together is going to be so awkward.

StiffPvtParts 43

Putting the FUN back in funerals :D

iShanny 13

That'll make for some awkward family get togethers...

I'm not sure anyone would want to get together again with people that callous, even their own daughter!

babygurll19 10

Maybe these people weren't "mourning" people and it was too much in the "wake" of it all.

PresidentNorth 16

Well #20 you tried... FML is a very hard community to please.

Sometimes you fail simply because you try too hard. This applies here.

lexiieeex3 32

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Who in their right mind would say that aloud at a funeral... I'm sorry OP. I hope your in-laws are forgiving and don't hold this against you.

PresidentNorth 16

Honesty is sometimes not the best policy. but I didn't see how having a tacky dress contributed to her death. Sound like quality folks you got there.

ChristianH39 30

That's not even honesty, it's just callous and mean. If I was OP I wouldn't be talking to my parents for a while

PresidentNorth 16

Well what if her dress was tacky..? Some people are just brutally honest. Its not like we have control of how people will act. We can only shun them or blast them out. OPs parents were very wrong for saying it, she let her thoughts become a reality. Tell me you haven't said something without thinking it came off as rude/mean/callous.

The problem wasn't the fact that OP's mother thought it was tacky, it was that she stated that was the reason that OP's mother-in-law died.

PresidentNorth 16

Well obviously. But everyone has their own opinion. Sometimes shit just gets blurted out. I understand it wasn't nice in anyway but its just a way of life. To me it seems that the parents were either super judgemental or they could have had some type of conflicts going on between in-laws. It happens. Think of it as karma. What goes around comes back around. So they made that joke, their punishment was to be kicked out after starting a fight. In the end they still lost. And will forever be remembered as those assholes from OPs husbands moms funeral. And the entire FML community.

Bigfabthetruth52 22

all you have to have is a simple comprehension of respect to understand that that statement as honest as it may have seemed in their head shouldnt have been uttered.especially in that setting

ThomasBombadil 31

Sounds like something from a sitcom. So sorry OP.

Maybe, they are in a sitcom! Dun dun dunnnnnn

What if life is just one big episode of Seinfeld?

JMichael 25

That was quite rude of your mom, even if your mother-in-law may have been a complete bitch. They could of been more respectful for you husband's sake.

well atleast you're not disrespectful like your parents. That's just sad.

So if it was you in this situation it would be alright? I highly doubt it. tacky or not, it's called respect.

9- You use the word "honest" as if it's some sort of excuse for a shortcoming or offensive behavior.

I ******* hate when people think that saying, "at least I'm being honest", is okay. It's a weak attempt at at insult. I actually just want to bitch slap them!!!

Well if you're going to be that "honest" you better be expecting the ass whippings that come your way. This may sound bad but I hope ops mom got her nose broken for being a bitch.

Axel5238 29

Lots people can't differentiate the difference between telling the truth and being a dick/also when and where it isn't appropriate. The 2 often go hand in hand. Sorry for what happened OP hopefully they learned something from it, but this far along in their lives I doubt it.

ariiewilliams 17

Well that funeral took a turn for the way worse

ariiewilliams 17

That is why i said "way worse". Funerals are bad in general

Actually yes there are good funerals. When someone's lived a full and happy life you celebrate it. We're all gonna end up dead, I've always been taught to celebrate someone's life if they die. Sure young people dying is different and harder to cope with. But like when my grandpa died he said to make sure his funeral was a party. "After you drop me 6 ft under get drunk and remember the good times." Maybe a bit of a soap box rant. TL;DR funerals can be fun it's all about how you look at it.

shjtty 8

How ignorant of them to start a fight at a funeral!

juturnaamo 29

#45, in the south, people will say a person is being ignorant when they mean that that person is being an asshole.