By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 03:53 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a phone I bought online turned up while I was at work. The delivery guy left a note saying he'd left the package with my neighbor at #10. When I went and knocked on the door and asked for the package, my neighbor said "Nope, nothing delivered here." and quickly shut the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 022
You deserved it 1 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report them! You have the delivery guy as a witness, and I'd assume they had to sign for the package. Don't let them get away with theft!

Buy a phone online, they said. It will be fun, they said. But seriously, you have a dick neighbour. FYL


Report them! You have the delivery guy as a witness, and I'd assume they had to sign for the package. Don't let them get away with theft!

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Yeah but if they shut the door quickly then it's most likely because they got it.

This happened to my friend, he ordered a £600 graphics card, they gave it to his neighbour and the neighbour insisted they didn't receive anything. Whilst browsing in a used game/hardware store, he found the exact same model on sale that had been traded in. Another was sent to him but he got it delivered to a friend's house instead.

they had no right to leave it with a neighbor

RedPillSucks 31

the delivery company is liable for the cost of the merchandise or however much it was insured for. OP can file a claim with them and let them sort out whether the delivery person or the neighbor lied. either way, OP needs to not just let it go

It's also very illegal to open someone else's mail.

#31 they can and do leave deliveries with neighbours, as the customer can put in the delivery instructions to leave it with the neighbours, or somewhere secure, if they are not home. At least, that's how it is in the UK. Although, if the neighbour opened OP's mail, they are breaking the law.

Buy a phone online, they said. It will be fun, they said. But seriously, you have a dick neighbour. FYL

Brokeandsad 8

Umm yeah report them immediately And start plotting your revenge :)

When you have something delivered they can't just leave it to someone else unless you say they can and who they can leave it with and where at.

They can. You can leave specific instructions eg which neighbour or behind the bin or whatever but if you dont give them these instructions they can drop them off at the closest easiest location

Which should make the deliverer liable if you didnt give them authority to leave it there; at least in Australia.

Same as in the UK. They are only allowed to deliver to the intended recipient, unless requested otherwise.

#18 im in the UK and my neighbours always get my packages if im not there, no matter which company its from except royal mail who take it to the local warehouse

#18 only the Royal Mail take it to the warehouse, all other delivery companies are allowed to leave it somewhere convenient or with the neighbours (although if you want it left somewhere specific then you have the opportunity to say so in the delivery instructions)

They can leave it at the address its suppose to go to but not anywhere else unless you sign off saying they can. That's how it is here in America

That right there is a theft of convenience!

go postal on the postal worker? kidding. though this does suck op. I'd be pissed

And if their next delivery is a box of sex toys? What then?

xXShadowStormXx 12

It's time to nut up or shut up. Fight for your right!

He can't, the neighbours have his phone lol

There are such things as landlines. Go to the office of your complex and call the police, you have evidence with the note and I'm sure the mailman will provide his testimony.

20- Could you really not tell that was a joke...