By ohmy - 17/12/2009 19:09 - Canada

Today, a spider crawled across my glasses' lens. My first reaction was to smack myself in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 559
You deserved it 27 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope you knocked some sense into yourself.

chedgefa 0

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's awesome!

psychoxxxinvader 3

It would have been even funnier if your glasses broke and a shard of glass went into your eye :D

I agree with #30! now that would have been a FML

That's what you get for trying to kill things. Asshole.

hahhahaahah the best one i've ever read

and the fml is??? there is a such thing as taking OFF the glasses you know...

DreamTheater858 0

*sees spider* *readys hand* *aims* ...... doh!