By ohmy - 17/12/2009 19:09 - Canada

Today, a spider crawled across my glasses' lens. My first reaction was to smack myself in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 559
You deserved it 27 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tamara2011 0

haha nicee i agree deff something i would do fyl

Sorceress0209 0

I would so do the same thing. I hate spiders

hahaha!!! lol! i would probably do the same... spiders r scary. this was a short and funny fml :) we need these more often then the crappy ones that r out there

Damn spiders have been making people do stupid shit lately

You are supposed to be scared of the spider and run away Miss Muffett, not hit yourself,.. new revised version of the story? Since everything is better with self injury and violence these days?

Haha ha, thank you for making me smile, sorry for your face.

Lmao, sorry, but this is the funniest FML I've read in a while. I lol'ed. :D:D

Her spur of the moment reaction makes me think of this FML: