Chance encounter

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her, I felt a gigantic spiderweb land on my face. I also felt a light thud on my eye and it started to tear up. I ran inside and looked in a mirror, the spider was in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 245
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!


loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!

How did the spider get IN your eye? Just reach in and pluck it out, shouldn't be a big deal unless it was a black widow and it injected venom into your eyeball.

A black widow wouldnt fit! unless it was a baby

greendaygirl597 0

#63: for some reason that made me laugh. OP: ewwww. I hate spiders.

Black widows aren't even the deadliest spider.

Link5794 18

Monsters Inside Me? FYL OP btw, there are gnats called eye gnats that suck on the moisture in the eyeballs of humans and cows.

Link5794 18

Black widows are actually pretty small.

famas48 0
likeanoutlawbayb 0

thats so ******* gross. i feel sorry for you!


AWWW YOU HAD TO TOUCH A SPIDER? ...why is this FML even here?

lilone08 0

What the hell are you talking about? She had a ******* spider IN HER EYE. She didn't have to just touch it, she had to have it in her.

Serafie 0

...she had a SPIDER IN HER EYE. CRAWLING AROUND ON HER EYE. Touching a spider alone wouldn't be an FML but having a spider ON YOUR ******* EYE would.

To someone who has arachnaphobia, such as my mother and myself, this is a huge FML. Don't knock OP about it. She/he might be afraid of them whereas you seem to have no problem with them.

Hey, unless you haven't realized, some people are scared of spiders. If someone who's scared of spiders gets a spider in their eye, they have reason to flip out or post an FML.

Pastor_Rich 0

I think it's more like FOurLives since spiders small enough to get stuck in our eyes can make gigantic webs. And they say spiders are only here to catch bugs. (;