By metallicatime - 16/12/2011 03:16 - United States

Today, a stoplight dropped square into the bed of my pickup truck. The police think I was attempting to steal it, and my insurance won't cover the damage to my truck. There were no witnesses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 314
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give them some donuts, you will then be helped. Merry Christmas


The classic example of wrong place, wrong time. You win again, universe.

No witness... You have a case. You mean no traffic cam either... ? Bogus.... Tell them they got no proof and what would you want the light for anyway....

texas_redneck88 10

There weren't any kind of traffic cameras at that intersection?

thiscrazything 1

Worst luck in the world! Try suing the town/county for repairs to your truck. Good luck with that one!

They should be able to tell by the damage in the truck that the stoplight fell into it. That's ridiculous. And insurance won't cover it b/c if it just fell like that the DOT (Dept of Transportation) in your area or the county engineer's office is technically responsible for any restitution and repairs. Hope that helps.

If you were attempting to steal it with no ladder and your trucks obviously damaged that's pretty clear you weren't stealing it. Also, point out the mounting point. If it broke it'll be obvious.

Exactly there as to be more to this A stop light is 17 feet or so up and weighs about 50 lbs When it fell it would have damaged your truck significantly And also the light, secondly tell the cops to dust for prints if it do just fall your prints wouldn't be on it

why steal one when odds are you could buy one? there are stores out there that sell traffic signs and probably traffic lights as well. cops arent the brightest sometimes. shit luck with the truck damage but trucks were designed to take abuse

Ask the cops to explain in detail how all the damage occurred to both the light and the truck WITHOUT it involving "the light fell from a height". Also, how did you climb up to the light and cut the wires without getting zapped, or anyone seeing you.