By metallicatime - 16/12/2011 03:16 - United States

Today, a stoplight dropped square into the bed of my pickup truck. The police think I was attempting to steal it, and my insurance won't cover the damage to my truck. There were no witnesses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 314
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give them some donuts, you will then be helped. Merry Christmas


iconoclasm101 0

I'm not sure where all y'all folks live talking about camera and witnesses... We got us a traffic light pole in this population 200 town but it don't work been laying on it's side for 3 straight harvests.

How the hell cant they see the damages to your truck? Stupid f()cking Amer..... Nevermind....

Get the cables that were holding the light up. Have the city or county engineer inspect them so they can see they broke on their own

Look at the cable or whatever was holding it up. You should be to see fresh shiny metal from the break and dull rusty metal showing fatigue. I know it's a pain but if you can prove metal fatigue you should be able to force them to pay

It's more like guilty until proven innocent nowadays..

firefighterjohn 9

if it feel into your truck from the height they are at then your truck would had a noticeable and obvious dent. I think this story is true but not 100% of it. I don't think the cops would think you were stealing if it feel from the height that they are. those things are very heavy

Sounds like a mayhem commercial. Btw why would they think you were stealing it? How do you even take one down and what would you even do with it?