By Anonymous - 05/03/2012 16:36 - United Kingdom

Today, a stuffed ferret was the latest addition to the list of weird items my colleagues have found in our rubbish tip, and that they put in my office. The list also includes explicit fetish porn playing cards, live ammo and dead pheasants, to name a few. I need a new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 153
You deserved it 2 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you don't want those cards... I umm have a friend who would love them...


I have to say, I am curious what type of things are printed on those fetish cards?

Dr. Seuss fetish cards. A woman with a goat on a boat in the moat. What else could there be?

mmorgan9218 5
olpally 32

No.. Time for op to exert some revenge! Put some assortment of dead animals on all their desks op! :D


What r you one of them furry people ?

When did he say he was a furry? And what are you saying about furries? I'm one. But I don't draw the **** or anything. It's a culture like bronies or, unfortunately, weeaboos. Just because you're not into the culture, doesn't make it any less worst than being a gamer or a movie fanatic. It's what you like. Don't judge.

Yes I agree, it bugs me when nearly everyone associates furries with sex when that's not everything. I'm one and I am not even into that kind of stuff. :/

maronofhearts 19

Bronies a culture? I think you're giving them way too much credit on that one buddy. And ive never heard anyone equate furrys to gamers and movie lovers I think you're off one that one too. As for the whole furry thing not everybody has to like it. You say what's wrong with being a furry yet you jump down his throat when he didn't even say anything bad about it. Yeah his comment was dumb but why are you hating him for supposedly not liking furrys I don't like them either yet neither of us said anything bad or rude about them. Maybe you shouldn't hate non furrys

I didn't say that he said anything bad -.- was stating my opinion. I know he didn't say anything bad. And I don't hate non-furs (idk where that came from?) so yeah... Didnt mean to say anything to upset anyone and to each their own. Just gonna drop the subject.

Bronies are a culture. We have a whole community of artists, musicians, writers, pretty much any kind of art form. That's only the creative aspect of it. Really, I'm not very guide at writing things like this but I can assure you that it is a big and lovely community (that can be a little... over the top at times [Derpy]).


Calm yo **** bruh, I'm a furry also :3 find me on FA usernames : SliiFoxx


So wait bronies are like Furries too, wow I never knew that

Your colleagues sound awesome. The dead animals are alittle over the top though. I would rather work with them than people that talk shit behind my back, like my job

CityCunt 0

I wish you can like a comment more than once, I'd like the shit out of yours!

Who says the colleagues don't do both?

If they were talking shit about behind op's back they wouldn't have given him/her live ammunition to use in the event that they find out about it

ninjuh_wingman 29

The live ammo is what worries me the most.

CityCunt 0

The one I need, sounds like a fun work environment.

I'm pretty sure you could argue that fetish playing cards being left for you is sexual harrassment, sue them!

22 - Why? They're being nice and giving him gifts, albeit odd ones. Why repay kindness with assinine behavior?

"judge" would the guilty party explain why fetish playing cards were left at the table? "defendant" I forgot them ... Case closed, lol.

The only reason I thumbed you up was because of ur pic lol duck face!

Change your job...are you kidding? That's way too cool!

They are treating you like a king and bringing you back the spoils of their labour. And you want to leave?