By Seriously? - 09/03/2014 06:08 - United States - Mill Valley

Today, a teenage girl bumped into me and my phone fell out of my hands, and over the Golden Gate Bridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 714
You deserved it 6 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did she even try to do the polite thing and jump after it?

I left my phooonnnneeee... In Saaaannn Frraaannnsisco...


devans00 14

Damn. That hardcore sucks OP. My sympathies. May your phone RIP.

Today I was taking a boat tour of San Francisco and a phone hit me in the head. fml

What if, you were to distracted? Like texting? And you bumped into her? Just puzzling in here.. Hugs everyone!

people keep saying it was just a description, but I don't think that's true. I mean, maybe just "some girl" because maybe he just didn't want to say "some person", but why the age? You can identify a person without their age easily and still be accurate.

Why didn't you go after it, and what were you doing on the bridge?

then how did you write this? LOL just kidding but that sucks. Sorry OP

I'm going to San Francisco this summer lol ill be sure not to drop my phone