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By Amie89 - 09/10/2016 04:37 - United States - Toledo

Today, for the sixteenth consecutive time, I'm definitely not pregnant. Nope, I'm just super bitchy, and I like really weird food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 180
You deserved it 2 464

Amie89 tells us more.

Hey, OP here. The FML was poorly written, mostly because they never get published so, who would care, right? Oops. Sorry! My husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for a while now, and he's a truck driver who's only home on weekends, so it's doubly difficult. These past few weeks, I've been very moody and having odd (for me) food wants, so we were really hopeful, but Aunt Flo showed up, so hopes were dashed. Looking back, I've had some new stresses in my life that probably contributed to the moodiness, as I'm usually a fairly even-tempered person. And, as I can't afford healthcare (we make too much for assistance but not enough to actually afford any plans), getting checks would cost more than we could pay. In a month or so, his job will offer company-wide health care, so we'll see what happens then. :)

Top comments

I can picture it now OP, you're at some fancy dinner party and everyone is getting elaborate seafood dinners and you just pull a jar of pickles and peanut butter out of your purse and are like "I'm good, guys."

Is the FML that your not pregnant? If so, you could have your hormones checked, have chromosome issues crossed off as a problem, and check if your uterus, ovaries, and other bits are whole and functional. If the FML is being irritable and liking odd foods... The odd foods are normal, and not hurting anyone, the "bitchy" bit could be handled by cognitive behavior therapy, or more awareness of when you are irritable and working around it by leaving, or other methods.


I can picture it now OP, you're at some fancy dinner party and everyone is getting elaborate seafood dinners and you just pull a jar of pickles and peanut butter out of your purse and are like "I'm good, guys."

cheeology 22

But....The 17th time is the charm...right?

Are you sure you're not just a little bit pregnant?

Is the FML that your not pregnant? If so, you could have your hormones checked, have chromosome issues crossed off as a problem, and check if your uterus, ovaries, and other bits are whole and functional. If the FML is being irritable and liking odd foods... The odd foods are normal, and not hurting anyone, the "bitchy" bit could be handled by cognitive behavior therapy, or more awareness of when you are irritable and working around it by leaving, or other methods.

Neither really, the FML is that people keep thinking OP is pregnant because of the bitchiness and liking of weird foods.

I believe the FML is because people keep asking her if she is pregnant

Which could be fixed by getting an attitude adjustment. I mean think about it, when has being super bitchy ever been a positive thing?

Not trying to sound rude but maybe you should try being less "bitchy" as that would probably eliminate a lot of your problems. Food habits may stay though as if you enjoy it then why stop? Good luck OP.

Might want to have your hormone levels checked if it's something new..

My interpretation of this is that you've been questioned one too many times about your current child baring status BECAUSE of your poor attitude and strange food choices. If this is the case, first, you need to take a serious look into how you appear outwardly to others, because if you're so grouchy that friends/family/coworkers are resorting to questioning whether or not you're pregnant, something isn't right on your end. Especially if this really is the sixteenth time you've been questioned. I can't pity someone that's been put in a position like this sixteenth times and hasn't taken from it. Your refusal to learn from your mistakes and change your attitude really makes this less of an FML and more of a YDI. As for enjoying strange foods, you shouldn't worry too much about what you eat. We all have different tastes and that's okay. You shouldn't let a snide comment or remark about what you eat influence you to stop enjoying it.

I agree #11. I wouldn't let it go on that long before seeing my doctor. I wouldn't be able to handle being super bitchy. I feel if you don't want to take care of the problem, then it's a YDI.

Is it that you've had 16 pregnancy scares or that you've had to tell people you're not because they assume you are? Because if you're having that many scares maybe it's time to see about a different form of birth control.

Or maybe she keeps trying to conceive and she gets her hopes up everytime, but it always turns out she's not pregnant after all? I dunno, it's not exactly clear what the true FML here is.

Sounds like hormonal imbalance. I was like that. Then found a birth control pill that balanced me out. Less bitchy, less confrontational overall. But I still like pickles and pickled ginger, less intense food cravings overall.