By JimiHendrix - 01/03/2013 01:55 - France - Luynes

Today, a wasp knocked me out, broke my glasses, and left a gash over my eyebrow. It did so by flying under my glasses while I was playing my guitar, causing me to reflexively bat at it with the hand that was still grasping the guitar neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 978
You deserved it 7 365

Same thing different taste


I am not sure, but sounds like the beginning of a country song, A crappy one though, the voice is a little waspy or raspy.

brierpoop 4

Once, while at the park a wasp landed on my leg. **** that. I didn't try and kill it. I read somewhere that when you kill them they let out pheremone and a bunch of other wasps show up. No thanks. Definitely not. I let that sucker sit there

perdix 29

Hey, we thought you were dead! Have you been hanging out with Elvis and Janis Joplin?

Wild thing, you make my eye sting you make a everything, woozy

onorexveritas 23
Satoaoi 13

violent wasps. can't trust em I tell yuh