By JimiHendrix - 01/03/2013 01:55 - France - Luynes

Today, a wasp knocked me out, broke my glasses, and left a gash over my eyebrow. It did so by flying under my glasses while I was playing my guitar, causing me to reflexively bat at it with the hand that was still grasping the guitar neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 976
You deserved it 7 360

Same thing different taste


Patrick:Firmly grasp it. You got step one done op.

sugarshane007 20

Excuse me while I hit this fly! OW! Son of a!

For years I used to think the lyrics were: Excuse me while I kiss-- this guy instead of kiss the sky. I know the lyrics now but still sing it that way in my head. :P

On a live version Hendrix does sing "kiss this guy" =]

That's when you go into zen perfect stillness mode. It'll eventually fly off. Or it will make a nest.

Or it will kill you. Those flying bastards freak me out.

Did it leave you in a "Purple Haze"?

I'd say it took off in more of "flight of the bumblebee" style

OP would probably rather light the wasp on fire instead of his guitar

That smart little bastard has been planning it's move for it's entire life, or a few days same difference.

wait guitars have handles? since when?

Umm, I think you are doing your guitar smashes wrong, aren't you supposed to use the base of the guitar?