By SteamLass765 - 13/08/2015 09:58

Today, a woman drove her car onto my closed worksite. Since it is hazardous for the general public, I told her to leave. Later, the police arrived and gave me hell. Apparently, I was reported for being "snippy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 792
You deserved it 1 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omfgitsmia 15

Sorry OP. She sounds like an idiot.


Britt125 16

Jeez I want to live where the police respond to people being "snippy", not because I think that's appropriate to respond to (it's actually really stupid) but clearly they have nothing that major going on. Here there's not a chance in hell they'd respond to that call, they have way more important things going on... in fact whoever answered the call would have gotten snippy with her too.

lordgimp 6

In America, as long as you're on private property, you can tell the cops to **** right off without a warrant. If they dont, you are fully within your rights to detain them for trespassing until you summon federal law enforcement to accept custody of the detained individuals.

Ehm, that is incorrect on so many levels. They can enter any private property if they have probable cause, a report of a crime usually being one, depending on the immediate danger/threat. If your comment were true, not crime investigation would ever take place, since they only give out warrants if there is a reason to. What you are talking about is the subsequent investigation, that's what they need the warrant for. First the cops deal with the immediate problem, then the investigation starts. Two different things. Although nothing in this story relates to this. I have no idea why they even bothered to follow-up on such a report. Must be a slow day at the office...

Damn, edit time was over... Imagine this: "Sir, I think someone is breaking in into the house next door." "Sorry, we can't enter without a warrant." Three days later... "Ah, we have the warrant. Let's get that burglar..." Unlike what you see on television, getting a warrant isn't done in an hour or so.

I am a traffic control supervisor for a highway project and you just would not believe the idiots out there. They rearrange my barricades, drums and whatnot to suit their needs. I have closed roads and they will move barricades to use the drive. They have followed me behind the drums and then bitch at me to move out of their way. I usually offer to call the cops, at which time I help them get back onto the travel lanes. If she had reported me, the locals would have hurt themselves to come tell me. It probably would start off with " you wouldn't believe this shit, but.....", as they were laughing their asses off.

SexyMexi21 23

Damned if you do damned if you don't. I feel the same way when we're setting or dropping things off in a closed area and here comes someone who's "apparently" entitled to the whole site.

Do no actual crimes happen in your town? Seems like the cops have too much time on their hands if they respond to complaints of someone "being snippy"..

Next time call the police to report a trespasser