By Anonymous - 03/11/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, the police came to my door and told me about a woman who called the cops on me because she said that I had been following her in my car. We were on the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 123
You deserved it 2 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow okay, Really? You DID end up at your house though right? Not hers. So it's obvious that you weren't following her. Is she that dumb and paranoid? Jesus christ. I mean I've had some creepy guys who follow me to places, but I watch them and try not to assume.

Actually it clearly says Canada, but nice try.


Who the hell let this piece of crap through? If she was just on the highway with you for a while how does she know where you live? If you were behind her how did she get your license plate number? I hate to say fake, but this is just bad.

There are license plates on the front of the car as well as the back. And she can give it to the police and they can find out where you live. People where I live are psycho like this and will do that. Especially if they live in the same town/get off at the same place. The OP was probably tailgating though.

If he was behind her on the freeway for a while she couldve gotten down his plate number in the rearview or something. Seeing as how she was a paranoid freak i can see that happening. Once she calls the cops and they run his plates bing-bang-boom they have his address. Takes a little imagination but it is possible. OP: its not so much a FML as it is a minor inconvenience. FMDay more like it. Now you have a funny anecdote though!

youaresofucked 0

Its AMERICA. Theyre all nutjobs......

Actually it clearly says Canada, but nice try.

jesus.... in BC there are plates on the front. The police can run a plate and find your address, which is clearly what happened as the police came to his door. I cannot believe how hard this is to figure out.

Wow okay, Really? You DID end up at your house though right? Not hers. So it's obvious that you weren't following her. Is she that dumb and paranoid? Jesus christ. I mean I've had some creepy guys who follow me to places, but I watch them and try not to assume.

you've had creepy guys who follow you? really? I doubt that. Other people do go to places that you go to too, you know

janise 2

I think Jessi meant she's been in the situation where it looked like people were following her but didn't jump to conclusions and call the cops.

LemonadePink 0

These newly posted FMLs are crap.

Honk if you like paranoid, delusional narcissists. That woman needs to get a life. Better yet, she needs to get laid - big time.

Gotta love paranoid women that think SO highly of themselves that they think everyone and their cousin is out to get them.

#4-how dumb can you get? there's this thing called a rearview mirror, cars have a numberplate on their front bumper, and the police can use that number to find out who owns the ******* car. Make sense now?

I'd understand if he said "we were on the highway. she lives down the street from me/next to me. fml."