By SteamLass765 - 13/08/2015 09:58

Today, a woman drove her car onto my closed worksite. Since it is hazardous for the general public, I told her to leave. Later, the police arrived and gave me hell. Apparently, I was reported for being "snippy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 792
You deserved it 1 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omfgitsmia 15

Sorry OP. She sounds like an idiot.


I can't believe they turned up for that! If it's private property OP had more right to call the cops.

Wow dude, shame on you for trying to keep her safe and out of danger!

I don't want to live on this planet anymore... Can anyone take instructions today I mean she doesn't really have a reason to do that

I wish you could report idiocy to the police.

should have told them t kick rocks too

Well shit. I'm going to start reporting it to the cops every time someone is "snippy" to me and see what that gets me.

I'm really surprised the police actually responded to that

Woah u suck honestly ur ovviously a crimnal just get off the app