By Salvation711 - 15/04/2012 15:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Not So Smart - 23/07/2010 23:47 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 16:36 - United States
By banana2894 - 10/08/2012 04:40 - United States - Eugene
By iloveretail - 08/08/2016 19:14 - United Kingdom - Nottingham
You talking to me?
By Anonymous - 08/12/2023 01:00 - United States - Denver
By walmart: first time, last time - 12/05/2013 16:37 - United States
By Dying Son - 05/04/2019 12:00
By kinlin - 02/06/2018 19:00
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 06:24 - France
By crosseyed - 10/06/2009 19:42 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Did the ground swallow you and your paranoia up?
I don't really think he was paranoid, since she was technically staring at her, I think OP was just becoming agitated because she was staring at her.
OP must be a hermaphrodite then cause you just went from he to her
38- A hermaphrodite does not mean that they are both male and female. It just means that they have both male and female genitalia.
Uhh correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure your genitalia determine whether your male or female...
^^ Yes, but not in the case of a hermaphrodite is it just which genitalia they have because only one of them will work. Meaning whichever form, male or female, of genitalia they have is what determines their actual sex.
Technically she was staring at you, but not intentionally.
Sounds like someone is a little too knowledgeable on the subject *cough 63*. Freakin weird people and their weird ass fetishes.
91- having knowledge about a subject doesn't make it a 'fetish'... Or that'd be sick in a coroners case! But on the topic of fetishes.... Futa rocks. :)
Well to me, if a woman has a penis, even if it doesn't work, I will consider them a man. I don't know how we got on the subject of the gender of hermaphrodites though so I'm gonna drop it now. ****** boob penis wieners
38- hahah yeah, I don't know why I did that..
95 - I'm thumbing you up for having the balls to say what I didn't. Not gonna lie, I got a good chuckle out of it.
the CIA is trying to kill you?
If I had both a penis and a ****** I would take masturbating to a whole new lev.. Um.. I.. I mean... Hermaphrodite? Gross..
paranoid much?
Wouldn't you be paranoid? Someone staring at you for 5 whole minutes? I would be creeped out...
Stop being so nosy op...
It's not paranoia if you're really being watched.
I would have moved left and right to see if her lazy eye followed me.
51, I was being sarcastic due to the fact that my picture is a nose... Geez everyone takes everything sooo seriously.
... #3 gets thumbed down
Your mouth is full of metal.
66: I didn't know it was fact time! Well here's another fact: You're a douchebag. Telling her she has metal in her mouth is like telling a midget he's short. Pointing out the obvious. So next time, keep it to yourself.
Number 69.
Oooh 71, aren't we mature!?!
You got a battlefield 3 picture :l
Bevsta - Do you feel like a badass making fun of a 14-year old girl's braces? Makes you feel big and bad, does it? Asshole.
Personally I think braces look hot on some girls.
Doc- How come I said the same thing you did, but I get thumbed down and you get thumbed up? Is it because you're DocBastard, or are people on FML THAT fickle?
#66 would you like to **** off?
Hitdude - I have no idea. Maybe they liked my phrasing more? Maybe they agree with my assessment that he's an asshole, rather than yours that he's a douchebag?
What I don't get is; while #3 has braces to make her teeth straight and perfect, bevsta's mouth probably contains rotten apple cores he calls teeth
I can't believe this many fights came out of one comment. •_•
Don't even call that shit a "joke".
#66 And your ass is full of shit.
YDI and you didn't because u weren't supposed to know she had a lazy eye but you should never scream at people.
Your comment makes zero sense. 'Tis all.
Well, way to be a bully OP. She was just standing there.
I don't think you know what a bully is... OP thought this lady was starring at her/him so s/he got creeped out and told the lady to stop! How is that bullying? I hate it when people abuse that word.
Bully bully bully
77- Oh watch out, we're dealing with a badass over here!
You would get annoyed if you thought someone was staring at you to. It's rude to stare.
Sarcasm... Duh. To think people think they have a sense of humor this days.
100- it's also rude to 'scream' at someone for being a bit awkward. OP must have anger issues.
110- "To think people think they have a sense of humor this days." What the **** are trying to say?!? Spit it out! Was it; **"To think people have a sense of humor these days?"**
62, You have an odd idea of what "told" means. Yelling at someone for looking at you isn't "telling" them something, its being a jackass. 100, Yes, but I wouldn't yell at someone like that because of where their eyes are focused. If they were daydreaming and happened to be looking in my direction I'd still feel like a total dick for yelling at them over nothing. I don't understand how anyone has sympathy for this idiot. They screamed at someone because of where their eyes were focused, they aren't worthy of sympathy.
110- Oh Yeah, what was I thinking! You're totally right, bullying is so funny!
138- Yeah, OP did sort of overreact. But i do understand that it freaked him/her out.
Next time, check that both eyes are looking in the same direction?
Way to show her OP, I know if someone was staring at me for that long I'd scream at 'em.
Please tell me you were being sarcastic, if not you're a dick.
Is it lazy, or honestly not able to live up to its full potential? Maybe the eye tries to see, but it couldn't ever figure it out, and it's parents called it dumb and incompetent, when really and truly it was giving its best effort. You should think twice before calling an eye lazy...
I know you are but what is OP?! No but seriously your comment sucked.

... #3 gets thumbed down
Did the ground swallow you and your paranoia up?