By Anonymous - 11/12/2015 00:10 - United States - Persia

Today, a woman who I have spoken to approximately twice in my life, asked me out. I turned her down in the most harmless way I could. Three hours later, I found my car keyed and my windshield wipers gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 321
You deserved it 2 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you avoided dating that! I hope that's the extent of her craziness though.

You have her number. Find her address and report it to the police.


I guess you have to consider this the lesser of many evils

you destroy her dreams she destroys your car

And the wiper blades? That is some random craziness.

Some women think their so hot that NO man would turn them down and everyone wants them. That in it self turns (real) men off. She needs help. You def did the rite thing OP. Wach your back with this one. Psyco alert.

Report it to the authorities, and bear in mind that she's a SUSPECT, but that doesn't prove that she did it.

How did she know which car yours?!? Especially since you've only met the girl a couple times. I think u have a creeper on your hands. Be careful!!

hmm well she obviously tried using your car as a sign or something..

Good thing you nipped that one in the bud! Imagine the insanity that would have ensued during and after a (brief) relationship.